Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pinspired Creations: Crystal Candles

How addicted to Pinterest are you?  I still have to laugh because I talked about Pinterest in one of my very first posts (before everyone was doing it~) and one of the commentors said they didn't think it was a very good idea to share like that, it was over exposure.  Just try to find someone who doesn't pin these days.

I try to be a bit judicious on my pinning though, only pinning those things that truly inspire me to create something similar or that spark a totally new idea.

Like many of you out there, I've been doing a good job of pinning, just not the follow through.  So, I'm trying to change that with what I'm calling my "Pinspired Creations".

First up are some beautiful handmade candles just like these ones from my good bloggy friend Andrea over at The Cottage Market .

I had a candle making kit that's been sitting in my closet since the beginning of time so I just got that out, melted down some wax and poured it into some pretty crystal pieces I found at the second hand shop.

For mine, I also scented them with some incredible natural oils that I picked up in Egypt ages ago, and then I gave them a little sprinkle of Martha Stewart glitter (I got the big pack for Christmas!! Look out world, here's comes the sparkle!).

I'm giving a couple away as gifts but I just have to keep at least one for myself.  So pretty, but oh so easy.  What do you think?  I hope it inspires you to try some of your own~

Thanks for the inspiration Andrea!


C... said...

Very nice idea! I use pinterest but mostly for home, fashion and recipe ideas. I am not super crafty or have the room to do so much of that.

Gen said...

lovely! Thank you for this kind gift! it smells great! merci,

Little City Farm said...

Those are so pretty. Could you just melt down stubbie candles? Probably huh. Hmm,..I'll have to keep this in mind for my next thrift store run.

And about the person who didn't think Pinterest was a good idea - how hilarious is that now? I use it like a bookmark page so I don't lose things I might want to find again. I'm not sure I plan to make all of that stuff, but I don't want to lose it either.

Jennifer Salter said...

I am completely addicted to Pinterest! And I just started a Pinterest inspired link party called Pinned it, Made it! on fridays! I'd love for you to pop on by an link up your pinspired creations!
Ps. I am thrilled to be your newest follower! :)

Unknown said...

I actually can't get over how often I use Pinterest now. Sort of scary :-)

Thank-you so much for taking the time to share at our Pin'Inspiration party this week. I really hope that you can take part in my "Beat the Winter Blues" party on Saturday.

AnnaPK said...

Love! I pinned your version. :)

Lindsey said...

I love Pinterest! I was one of those using before everyone jumped on board too! Now all of a sudden I have all these followers that are just catching on. This Pinspired creations idea for your blog is just fabulous! Love it :)

The Cottage Market {Andrea} ♥ said...

these look absolutely AMAZING!!!!!! sending you tons of (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

Simply beautiful. What a fun idea. Love these. Thanks, Lori
itsmelah @ aol dot com

Jill said...

The candles look amazing in those crystal pots!
Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Natasha in Oz said...

I love Pinterest and have been pinning for a while now too. My weekly Pinterest linky party is on now so if you have 5 Minutes to spare please pop by and maybe even link up this pinteresting post!

Best wishes,
Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me

frugal-interior-design said...

Excellent. I'm a huge fan of picking up vintage crystal and glassware at the thrift stores. They make such elegant, classic looking displays.

I may have to look for a candle kit now as I've been kicking around the idea of making my own for awhile. Any recommendations on kits?

Special 'K' said...

I am a candleholic! I wrote a post confessing. I love this idea. I have never made my own. Thanks for sharing. Cheers SpecialK XoXo


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