Here's what you need:
I had some fabric left over from my sharp corners project I shared with you ages ago and decided to use it to make a cute little tray/caddy for some of my hair clips that usually just get thrown in a drawer.
1) Cut two rectangles or squares from your fabric and another one the same size in fusible interfacing.
2) Iron your interfacing onto the back of one of the fabric squares then pin your fabric pieces, right sides together.
3) Sew a narrow seam around all four sides, making sure to leave a small opening on one side so that you can turn it right sides out.
4) Before you turn it out though, make sure to cut diagonally across all of your corners. This gets rid of some of the bulk and helps you to get nice sharp edges.
I usually cut a little diagonal into each edge as well when working with heavier fabrics like this one.
5) Turn your fabric right side out, push corners out and press. Next, hand stitch the opening closed.
6) One by one, fold each corner diagonally so that you get a sort of triangle. Measure in about and inch and pin, making sure that your pin is at a right angle to the open edge.
7) The line created by your pin is where you'll stitch. Do the same thing on all four corners.
It should look like this, an instant tray!
As I was making this I kept thinking that it would work so much better with a nice crisp fabric, like cotton maybe. Then I wondered how it would work with paper!
Tah dah!
I did the exact same thing without the interfacing of course and just glued down the sides. I love it! Now I can find my stamping pads all in one place~
There you go! Get a head start on your clutter and make a few matching little bins for your shelves and drawers. It's fun to get organized when your containers are so cute~
Happy New Year everyone! I'm working on a special New Year craft for next Friday. I can't wait to show it to you. Make sure to come back and check it out~