Thursday, December 1, 2011

Surprise Etcetorize Giveaway!

Surprise!!  I'm kicking this month off with a giveaway!  My Christmas wish is to reach 400 followers by the end of the year and you can help me do it.

I'm giving away these pretty little crafting buttons that I made myself. 

These are right from scratch.  I made the molds, I baked the buttons and glazed them, I made the cards they come on, and even the stickers on the cards!  My goodness, I sound like the Little Red Hen~

Anyway, I want to thank you all for hanging out here all year and being interested in all of the fun crafty things I get myself into.  I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

So, I want to give you all lots of ways to enter...and if we reach the big 400 I'm going to throw in one more item along with the buttons...this pendant and earring set!  It's a beautiful ivory white with shimmer baked right in.  It has silver accents and would make the perfect addition to your Christmas outfit~

Here's how you can enter:

1 mandatory entry:
1)Be or become a  follower of Etcetorize
 and leave a comment below letting me know you've done so

Additional entries:

2) Leave a comment below telling me what you'd do with these buttons.
(I haven't tested them in the wash yet so I'd
stick to something crafty.)

3) Blog about this giveaway and leave a comment with your link

4) If you have a facebook page, post a link to this giveaway
 and leave a comment letting me know

5) Send out a tweet telling all your friends about this giveaway
 and leave a comment letting me know

6) Purchase a vintage sewing pattern from Etcetorize Vintage Sewing Supplies 
and get three bonus entries.

Get your comments in by midnight December 10th, 2011 and I'll post the randomly selected winner the very next day.
***UPDATE:  This contest is now closed.  Thank you to everyone who participated~***

Good luck!


Alyssa - Live. Love. Craft. said...

I follow you! Great giveaway... thanks so much!

Alyssa - Live. Love. Craft. said...

if I got the buttons I'd make a few rings and use some as centers to my fabric flowers ;)

Rona Gregory said...

Hi I am a follower and just loved these buttons, what a lot of work!! thank you for the generous giveaway!

Rona Gregory said...

If I won all these buttons I would use them to decorate my little journal covers and my handmade purse (when I get around to making it LOL!)

EllensCreativePassage said...

I am a follower!

EllensCreativePassage said...

I love these buttons! I would probably go the route of jewelry making if I was so lucky to win them!

Gen said...

I'm a follower! Great giveway, thanks!

Meig Heyburn said...

I follow you! I love these buttons!!

Gen said...

If I won these buttons I would use them for card making. So pretty!

Gen said...

I just posted you giveaway on my blog. Hope your wish comes true!

Meig Heyburn said...

I would probably use them for a button headband or necklace. I love buttons! Remember The Letter People???

Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...

i follow you!

Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...

I'd use at least one of them to make a ring. i love using buttons in jewelry! :)

Unknown said...

Just sent you a shout out on twitter!! I would definitely have to show case these awesome buttons in a unique way...maybe in a picture frame project or put tacks on the back for our bulletin board!

Néné Gump said...

Pick me, pick those're really talented Tamara. Vxx

The Cottage Market {Andrea} ♥ said...

hi there my friend! how are you : ) well you know i follow you! i will send some tweets and also blog about it on my weekend-wrap up! : ) oh -- i would finally make the bunting from the vintage doilies that i have and use them as centers! : ) hugs!!!! you rock!


superb! what a cool giveaway! I will make bookmark tag by using these buttons!! cool idea?

Anonymous said...

What a lovely blog. I've just followed (SassaLynne). Those buttons are just beautiful and ideal for adding to a little wall mixed media piece I'm working on.

fireflies said...

I'm a follower! and would love these nice buttons. I think you are talented!

Catrina Crafts A Lot said...

I'm a new follower!

Catrina Crafts A Lot said...

I think these buttons would look great embellishing some of the hats that I make!

Catrina Crafts A Lot said...

I made a post on FB about your giveaway!

Catrina Crafts A Lot said...

I tweeted about your giveaway!!/Catrinau/status/143591194390306816

AnnaPK said...

I follow you. Your buttons are great!

Tina M. said...

I am a follower. Tina M yelowrozen at yahoo dot com

Tina M. said...

I would use the buttons as accents on my christmas pillow. Tina M yelowrozen at yahoo dot com

Kei said...

I'm already a follower! :) Love your blog!

Kei said...

Guess I'd use the buttons to make a flamboyant necklace of sorts (along with lots of beads, chains, and random other bits and pieces to make the buttons really stand out!)

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Wow! I can't believe you made these buttons! I would love to win your wonderful handmade! I'm a follower!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

If I won, I would probably do some cute card making with them!

JodyLynn said...

I would use them for card making. Spring time Hello cards

Sandi said...

I love these buttons, they look very retro. I'd use them on some throw cushions I'm making.


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