Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Linky on the Block

Just a big shout out to my good friends over at These Peas Taste Funny and Seven Alive.  Terry and Kadie are co-hosting a new linky party on Thursdays and I know they'd love for you to show up and share your latest projects with them:

and then, she {snapped}

Head on over to either one of their blogs and tell them I said "Hi!".  It's a blog hop so your link will show up on each of their blogs, and they'll each do features, so your odds of getting seen are super good!

Have a great day~
(PS...while you're linking up you can feel free to check out Make it Great Monday right here at Etcetorize!)

1 comment:

Little City Farm said...

Okay, how seriously awesome are you. Thank you so much for not only mentioning our party, but devoting an entire post to it. You totally rock my fellow Canadian friend who spool knits better than anybody's business. :)


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