Here's what you need to make your own Trick or Treat Bag:
-Non stretch fabric
-standard sewing kit
This is so easy and I was just whipping these up as a little scrapbuster so I didn't decide to do a tutorial until I had already completed a few steps. Also, you don't have to follow these measurements exactly. I was just using up a scrap of fabric I found tucked away and was just trying to use it all up.
1) In any case, I cut 2 pieces of the large rectangle shape and 2 of the long skinny one. (That's 17" right from the top to the very bottom of the big one, just ignore the cut outs at the bottom until the next step.)
2) Now you can cut out 2 little squares from each bottom corner of the large piece. Mine are about 1 3/4" square.
3) First we'll make some handles. If you don't have enough fabric or you want something really sturdy you can use webbing.
Simpy fold each long skinny rectangle, right sides together, and stitch along the the entire long edge. Zig zag or serge and then turn and press the seam along the centre back. I'm using some kind of nylon lining type of material so kept my iron quite low and used a pressing cloth to make sure I didn't melt it.
4) Set your handles aside and stitch the bottom and two sides of the main body of your bag. Finish your edges (!) and press to one side.
5) Now pinch the bottom corners, meeting your side seams with your bottom seam. Pin and stitch across. You should get some nice sharp boxy corners. If you're using a heavier fabric you might need to trim across the corners. Finish the edges and turn your bag body right side out.
6) Finish the top edge of your bag body, fold about 1" towards the inside and stitch down.
7) Now just attach your handles. Measure in an equal amount from each side and mark. Turn the bottom of you strap up about 1". Pin to mark and stitch down in an "x" pattern. You'll want to collect as much candy as possible and this will make sure that your straps won't fall off half way through your neighbourhood rounds.
That's it! Just throw on that Elsa costume that all the girls are wearing and head out from some treats!
I sent my bags to my niece and nephew along with a couple of little easy to make pillow treat boxes.
Check out my Sharp Corners Ahead project and use the boxy corner method to make a cushion.
Are you dressing up this year? Did you make your own costume? Leave a comment below! (I've made some adjustments to my comment settings, help me out by testing it to see if it's any better, thanks)
What a lovely bag - thanks for sharing how to make it! Visiting from #Say G'day Saturday x
I love your spider-webby treat bag, Tamara! Thanks for sharing it with us at Make It Monday!
I LOVE that fabric Tamara! Nice litte tutorial too!
Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
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