I've been growing out my bangs all summer. No reason, I just was able to get past the awkward stage and felt like I should keep going.
I'm not sure though....should I get bangs tomorrow?
That was an excellent bang day.
Most likely they'll look more like this eventually:
What do you think? To bang or not to bang!?!?!?!?!?
That's a tricky one. You look amazing both ways. Which way is easier to style?
Hi Tamara,
I think with bangs you look like younger :)!
Hugs from Portugal
Ana Love Craft
I was going without bangs for awhile and went back to them. It is a fun younger look! Who doesn't want to look younger. :)
Ah, the question of the ages. :) You are gorgeous and look great in both styles, but I kind of like the bangs a teensy bit better.
Bangs are sassy. I say bangs.
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