Imagine my surprise today when I found out that Shantel from It's a Priceless Life bestowed upon me the Stylish Blogger Award! So cool!

I tried to do a little research to find out where this award originated from but had no luck. I did find out that the Stylish Blogger Award is given by our blogosphere peers to others who inspire us and make us want to be better bloggers.
Also, there are a few rules to follow if you win this honour.
#1- Thank your nominator and link back
Thank you Shantel!
Her button isn't working for me so click HERE to check out her blog.
#2-Tell your readers 7 things about yourself that they don't already know
I'm usually a pretty private person so just having a blog is a little out there for me, but here goes:
-I've visited and/or lived in over 40 countries
-Even though I live someplace that has freezing cold weather for almost 8 months of the year...I really, really dislike Winter
-I think I'm the only person on the face of the planet who doesn't use Facebook
-Even though I did 2 posts on decorating wine glasses, I can't drink alcohol....even one glass gives me a wicked hangover
-I read alot and get crushes on historical figures who passed away hundreds of years ago (namely Henry VIII and Julius Ceasar)
-I practice French with my cat, Mr. Whiskers, and feel bad because now he has a really bad French accent
-I am on a never-ending quest to find the perfect mascara. So far all I have is a jar full of about 15 so-so mascara's
Too much??? It's hard to tell when to stop once you start~
#3-Pass the award onto other "undiscovered" bloggers who inspire me and let them know that they've won. There are various blogs out there that say just how many you're supposed to pass it onto. We'll see how far I get.
Thank you so much Shantel and to all of you for stopping by and checking out Etcetorize. I hope you have as much fun with the projects and inspiration shots as I do posting them.
Have a great day everyone!
Have a great day everyone!
Awww! Thank you, Tamara! You're such a sweetheart! I have to say, YOU inspire ME! Happy, happy holidays (even if you do hate winter! LOL)!
Wow Tamara! I had no idea you had a blog! This is so cool! I have so much to catch up on reading your older posts. Thanks for the Stylish Blogger Award! It's really sweet!
I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas in Saskatchewan!
Rambles with Reese
It's hard to find a good mascara. I like Maybelliene but I also use some Avon brands.
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