
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Make it Great Monday

Yay, another great start to the week.  Here are some inspiring projects to get your crafty juices going:

Urban Moppits shared an awesome restyle project.  You wouldn't believe what these pieces looked like before she got her hands on them.  Make sure to stop by her blog to see the before!

Crafty Confessions has a great tutorial to show you how to make the prettiest pin cushions you've ever seen!

It's that time of year again...time to get the garden cleaned up and ready to plant!  Head on over to A Pinch of Joy to watch a great (but short) video on how to build your own raised garden.  It's so easy!

Custom Slipcovers by Shelley linked up a post on some out of this world slipcovers she made for a customer using chenille bedspreads!  Make sure to check out her post because this one photo really is only a peek at the rest of the prettiness in the room.

So many more amazing projects last week!  I can't wait to see how you top yourselves.  If you were featured please grab a button from the sidebar.

Now for this week...remember, it's the start of something special!  When you link up you'll also be linking up over at Cabin Fevered Gem. 

Same 'rules' still apply though. Please remember to only link:
1) To your Family Friendly Project Post that you've made yourself, not your main blog page
2) Maximum of 3 projects that you haven't link up before
3) Please, no shops or giveaways
4) Feel free to hit one of those Follow buttons on the sidebar ;)

And, not really a rule, but something you won't regret if you do....go visit some of the other links and leave a comment, we all love comments right~
If you link up, please post my button somewhere on your blog so more people can come join the fun:
(If you link up you are giving Gen and I permission to tell the world how great you are and possibly post a picture or a link to your awesome project either here, on Facebook, or on Pinterest. Make sure you're ok with this before you link up.)
OK, let's see what you've got!  Come on, bring the craftiness on!


  1. Thanks for another link party! Bunnies can quickly destroy a growing garden. I wanted to deter them away from mine with a Garden Critter Deterrent (#27) that's not harmful. Thanks to some Garlic Salt and Chili Pepper-no more bunnies! Hope it helps other gardeners. Have a great week!

  2. Thx for hosting! New follower! Please come and check out my blog at too!

  3. Thanks for hosting the party! New follower of your blog!

  4. Thanks for hosting, Tamara! I love, love, love that restyle from Urban Moppits. I saw it last week, those little shorts are too darling! Have a great week :)

  5. Thanks so much for featuring my very first video on building a raised garden bed. It IS so easy-- and if all those little sprouts turn into vegetables, a very productive endeavor, too! Thank you!

  6. Hello Tamara ...It is so nice to be here with you in your linky party I am very thankful that you invited me for that ...

    Hope you will enjoy a visit to check my double sided pillow@
    With love


I look forward every day to reading your comments so make sure to add yours! Every one of them is very much appreciated.

(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
