
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Inspiration Shot: Cost Rica

By the time you see this I will have been at a conference for work, out of town, for three whole days.  If I had kids at home maybe I would be jumping for joy for the relaxation break, but the truth is, I don't, and it's for work, so I don't expect it to be too relaxing.

As I was getting ready for the trip I remembered this shot:

Puntarenas, Cost Rica
This fellow was giving "tours" of a little place called Puntarenas in Costa Rica.  I think Puntarenas is actually a fairly large city of around 100,000 people but I remember it feeling like a tiny little town.

What I remember the most was the driver though.  He seemed like he was having a ball at his job.  Just driving around, playing the drums, honking his horn, blaring music.  It was a good laugh.

I decided that while I'm away at my conference I will try to keep these shots in my mind, and be inspired to have fun and enjoy my job as much as I can....just like Mr. Puntarenas~

What do you do when you get in a funk at work?  or do you love your job so much that you don't have think about these things?  Leave a comment and share your thoughts~

1 comment:

  1. I try to challenge myself. Learn something new or go take a walk to change my mood.


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