
Monday, August 5, 2013

Playing Around

Sorry but I have no fun crafty projects to share with you today.

I finally took the plunge and bought an iPad!!!!  So, I've been very busy getting caught up on Mad Men via Netflix, playing Candy Crush, and taking photos around the yard.

I think just about anyone can take beautiful photos with this thing!  But it's not just anyone who can model like Katya.  Look at those eyes!'s a long weekend and the weather is beautiful!  So, I'm taking the day off~

Have a wonderful August long weekend everyone!


  1. Have fun with your new iPad Tamara!!

  2. Katya is adorable checking out from tuesday Nifty Thrifty hop

  3. What a pretty kitty! :)

  4. Beautiful kitty. Hopping here from Adorned from Above.



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