
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Winter Leggings

Somehow, someway, all the stars have aligned so that I could bring you today's post.

The first thing that happened....I pinned this image of these very cool winter leggings.

                                                      Source: via Etcetorize on Pinterest

Next, McCalls came out with some new patterns and this leggings pattern caught my eye:

After that, Wholeport Crafts contacted me and asked if I'd like to order something from their website for FREE and write a post about how I used it.  Ummmm, yeah, I can do that!

And here's what I came up with!


Even though we're having what's considered a heat wave here, it's still FREEZING COLD outside, and will be for several months. I think these cozy, comfy, stylish leggings should come in handy.

It's taking me some time to get used to wearing so much pattern on my legs but like I said, they're so comfy I don't care.

I was very pleasantly surprised by the fabric.  It took hardly any time at all to get here from overseas and it's very good quality.  I've seen this type of fabric in stores and it's usually quite thin and 'chemically' feeling, not this stuff.  It's double knit, thick, soft, and sews easily.

Check out Wholeport Crafts for a wide assortment of craft supplies, fabrics and lace, and even baking supplies!

Would you wear patterned leggings?  Have the fates come together for you recently?  Leave a comment below~

*I recieved the fabric used for free however this is not a paid post and all opinions are my own.

This project was featured here:


  1. I do not have words for how much I love those leggings. I didn't even know McCalls made leggings patterns! I'm going to have to go check that out immediately.

  2. I want to make leggings now! Awesome idea! Did you use a serger or a special stitch on your machine? Let me know any tips...I think I might do this.


  3. Those are so cute and cozy! And you look fantastic in them. I found you from Someday Crafts.

  4. Love them!You did a great job.

    Stopping by from What We Wore

    stopping by What We Wore #127. Ode to the Downfilled wrap


  5. Very cute. I've never worn patterned leggings before but on you they look great. I think I need to lose a few pounds before I try :)

  6. They are just brilliant! The fabric sounds as if it is just perfect for leggings...J

  7. I Love those leggings Tamara - great pattern - so funky!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  8. So so cute! Love them and so jealous! You should link these up this week on The CSI Project. The challenge is winter crafts and decor. Right now our server is down but check back soon. The link up begins Thursday.
    Each week is a new craft challenge so join us!

  9. Wish I could pull those off because they are so adorable! Thanks for linking up!

  10. Those are adorable! I've been lusting after those very same leggings forever.

  11. Omg! I LOVE THIS! I saw something similar on pinterest and repinned it right away. You did a great job and I love love love the fabric.


I look forward every day to reading your comments so make sure to add yours! Every one of them is very much appreciated.

(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
