
Monday, January 21, 2013

To Linky or not to Linky?

Hello Etcetorizers!

I need your help with a BIG decision....

Many of you will remember that in the not too distant past I used to host a Linky Party every Monday.

2012 Party Button photo 2012PartyButton150.jpg

And you guys did 'Make it Great'!  It just became a lot of work trying to visit every project and leaving a meaningful comment, something other than a computer generated generic message.

So, I put the party on hold while I tried to catch my breath and get ready for Christmas.

Now, I'm wondering if I should reinstate it?

Let me know what you think in the comments below...

Is there room for another linky party?

If I bring it back should it be a free-for-all or more specific?  For example, Sewing Projects only? Mod Podge projects only?

How do you feel about linky party hosts who don't leave a comment on your project that you link up?

I really want to know what you guys think so let me know~


  1. I link up to a fair amount of parties and while I live having the comment ftom the owner thats a lot if work for one person!

    Would you like some help? A linky administrative assistant! Lol.

  2. Hi Tamara! Your monday linky party was the very first one I ever joined and the first one that had featured my projects! So, my answer would be - I really miss your parties and I would love to see them again. I know it is a lot of work and it consumes a lot of time, but you should go back to it! perhaps you could host one a month, and the other weeks some other bloggers. And, I prefer "everything goes" link parties, because most of the creative bloggers choose more then one technique (and sewing and modge pod and crafting and painting furniture, for example) at the time...

  3. I link up to a number of link parties when I have something to share (and I check other links even when I don't!). Whilst there are certainly a lot of link parties about, and some of the links are the same across different parties, there are always going to be projects linked up that are 'unique' to that party and not anywhere else! :)

    As for whether or not to make it more specific, I prefer the 'free for all' type. With those restricted to a certain type of project, I think it limits who can join in--not everybody sews, not everybody mod podges.

    With commenting, well, everybody likes comments, but I don't expect them from the party host--it would take forever to comment on so many links!

    Rambly comment is rambly. I suppose at the end of the day, it's a case of whether you want to continue running a link party or if you want to concentrate on other things :)

  4. Thanks guys! You've already given me a lot to think about. I really appreciate your feedback~

  5. I really like your blog and if you wouldn't have invited be to your party, maybe I would never have found it :)

    I for my part have a collection of linking parties, some for every day, which are also sorted on my side bar at my blog according to the week days. I jave just a limited number because visiting linking parties can also be a little bit overwhelming. So I stick to the ones I know likes yours :)

    Would like to have your party back with your sparcle :)

    (alhough I have to warn you that I may just come back in april to a party because I work abroad in south corea for two months... do't know if I can bring a lot of earring-make-stuff with me)



  6. Your party is one of my is your blog...but vote would to be keep it going but don't feel like you have to leave a comment for every one expects that! Just stop by and say hi to a couple of your favorite ...just like the rest of us. :)
    Know that your blog rocks either way!


I look forward every day to reading your comments so make sure to add yours! Every one of them is very much appreciated.

(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
