
Friday, November 9, 2012

Winter Maxi Skirt

Well, I think I've already complained enough about the weather, but for those of you who are new to's winter here in Canada.

The problem is, I still like to wear a nice skirt sometimes.  How do you wear a skirt in freezing cold temps???  With nice thick leggings underneath!  And a maxi skirt is the perfect solution.  No one has to see your woolen legs and you still get to be stylish and toasty warm.

Here's what you need for today's project:

-60" wide stretch knit fabric
-thread, scissors, pins, measuring tape/yard stick
-wide elastic for waist
-chalk marker/wheel

1) I'm going to take the first couple of steps to show you how I folded my fabric.  Folding it this way will ensure the minimum number of cuts.

First, lay your fabric out, bringing the selvedges together in the middle.  Each outside edge should have a fold.

2) Now, fold under the right side so that the left side of your fabric consists of two folded edges and the right side has one selvedge, one fold, and then one selvedge.

Get it?

3) To get the measurement that we need to cut the waist follow this formula:

waist measurement divided by 4 +1 inch.

So, for easy math we'll say that your waist is 32" around...divide by 4 = 8".  Add 1" = 9"

This is how long you will draw a line along one end of your fabric using your chalk.

Personally, the last thing I need is lots of bulk and gathering around my waist, but if that's the look you want, add more inches and you can gather it later.

4) Now measure your hips and divide by 4.  Mark this measurement approximately 8" down from the end of the  waist measurement.

5) Decide how long you want your skirt to be.  Make sure to add 1/2" inch to attach to the waistband and a hem allowance.  Don't forget to add extra if you plan on wearing your skirt with heels!

You should have a shape that looks something like the picture above.  Now, go ahead and cut through all layers of fabric.

You'll end up with two trapezoidish shapes.

6) With right sides together, sew and finish your side seams.  Serge or zigzag along the top edge while you're at it.

7) Set your fabric aside and pick up your elastic.  Measure it around your waist so that it's comfortable, making sure to add a bit of overlap.  Cut and stitch together so that you end up with a circle.

8) Quarter off both the skirt top edge and the elastic.  Just keep marking the middle of your folds with pins until you've marked off 8 points.

9) Before you stitch your elastic on, on the inside edge, mark 1/2" up from the bottom.  When attaching your fabric use this as a guideline and don't let your fabric edge go above it.

10) Stitch the elastic and fabric together, stretching as you go.

11) Hem the bottom and that's it!  So easy, right?!?

I need to find/make a better top to go with it, but I really like how it turned out.

I was actually going to make this skirt from Morning by Morning Productions  but got sidetracked when I pulled the plaid fabric out of my stash.

                                                      Source: via Etcetorize on Pinterest

I'll still make the lace one someday~

Is it winter where you are or do you still get to wear only one layer of pretty things?  Leave a comment~

This project was featured here:



  1. Cute skirt! I'm sitting here watching snow fall outside my window (in Salt Lake City) and thinking I might need some long skirts this winter. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I love the skirt, I want to make myself a wool one for the winter. :)

    -Ash P

  3. It is so nice. I love maxi skirts, but only during summer. My problem is that I don't know what kind of shoes should I wear on maxi skirts during the winter... What do you wear?

  4. I love love love this skirt! Great fabric choice for a winter skirt. I want one!

  5. Thanks for linking to Take-A-Look Tuesday over at Sugar Bee Crafts - you were featured today!!

  6. It's gorgeous Tamara. I find winter tricky sometimes for coming up with stylish items that are warm enough - this fits the bill (and leggings underneath is how I used to juggle playground duty at school in winter - long boots too!).

  7. Very, very cute! Thanks for the instructions.

  8. Beautiful! I love long skirts in cold weather.

    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create!
    <3 Christina

  9. Featuring YOU today!

    Ginger @

  10. so love it!!! thanks for linking up to I spy refashion! you look darling! it turned out great!

  11. I love that fabric!! Super cut skirt!


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