
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kids Sweatsuits

The inspiration for Easter presents for my niece and nephew came from this photo my sister sent me while they were on a little mini holiday:

My brother-in-law is 6'4" and his son is taking after him.  Poor little guy grows out of his pants faster than he can get into them.

So I set to work right away in making him a new pair of looooooong pants to cover his ankles on those cold winter mornings.  And of course, what I make for one, I have to make for the other.

I used this awesome pattern from Simplicity:

It's probably not in their books anymore but if you ever find it in the bargain bin, and you have little ones to sew for, make sure to pick it up.  I've used it loads of times because it has lots and lots of sizes in it and it's super easy to alter.

Here's the boys version with the jacket made into a vest:

I got the cool edging simply by turning the fabric.  That's actually the inside of the fabric.

And here's the girls version:

My niece is crazy for Disney princesses so she got a Cinderella embellishment instead of her name.
They also got their Word Clouds, and because I don't want to be a weirdo Auntie who just sews them clothing, I threw in some smartie butterflies.  What's Easter without a bit of chocolate, right?  ( I was pretty sure they'd be getting a mountain of it from other sources)

ACK!  I almost forgot to show you how they look on:

Believe me, he's not usually this excited to recieve
clothing.  I think his mother must've told him
to be nice no matter what he got from Auntie~

I'm not crazy about sewing for other people, but I love sewing for these guys.  Hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday~

This project was featured here:
Seven Alive


  1. Clever gal turning that fabric to make the accents. Very smart. I love how nice these turned out. And love that you put in some candy too, lol.

  2. The pockets on the pants are AWESOME! I love the vest too! Great work.

  3. These are darling, love the little details you added!

  4. They look great! Good work. Lucky kids. :-)

  5. WOW what a great Easter package! I love the way the sweat suits turned out. They are so cute. Great job. Thanks for parting with us this week.:)

  6. Those sweatsuits are awesome! Do you make adult ones too....

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  7. I am featuring this at our party tomorrow! Yay. Love the little sweat suits better than store bought ones. Thanks for partying with us.:)

  8. Your jackets are fabulous!!! Great idea to use the inside of the fabric for the edge.


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