
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Heat the Feet, Heat the Heart

For those of you who follow my friend Gen over at Cabin Fevered Gem, you know that she's having a baby.  And recently she found out that she'll be having a baby girl!  To say she's pretty excited is the understatement of the year.  She's over the moon thrilled.

Of course, this means that the sewing can now begin!  So, I made her a little congratulations gift.  One pair of  baby girl booties for every day of the week!!

I used these two patterns:
Still in Simplicity's current catalogue!
This Amy Butler book is full of all kinds
of fun baby sewing projects
And came up with these!!

DIY baby booties, Baby Shoes, Handmade baby booties, Amy Butler Booties

Let's take a closer look.

Sunday slippers for lounging around:

Some casual but pretty shoes to kick off the week on the right foot on Monday:

Pretty flowers to keep her twinkle toes fresh as a daisy on Tuesday:

She'll have these pretty little pinks to get her over the Wednesday blues:

My favourite, ballet flats for Thursday, just because:

Another pair of slippers to kick back in for Friday:

And the cutest pair of trainers you've ever seen, to run around town with her mom and big brother on Saturdays.
They're all fully lined and I used nice soft lingerie elastic on most of them.  Luckily for me, I was recently gifted a bag of all kinds of vintage rickrack and trims.  So the possibilites were endless!

Gen and her family are Francophone so my gift tag is en français.  Félicitations is Congratulations in French, and the back is supposed to say Warm Feet, Warm Heart but I have a feeling it actually says Heat the Feet, Heat the Heart.  My French is horrible (désolé) but I think Gen will get it.

Both of the patterns were easy to use but I have to say I didn't really follow the directions.  Both of them were a little confusing and Amy Butler tends to over explain things.  This might be good for a first time sewer but it just confuses me when she takes 4 long paragraph steps to say - fuse the interfacing onto the back of your fabric. 

What's you're favourite thing to make for babies?  Do you like sewing for boys or girls?  Does it matter when everything turns out so cute in the end?  Leave a comment~

This project was featured here:

      Seven Alive    


  1. Those are so cute! Do you have an Etsy shop?

  2. Hi C, yes, I do have an Etsy shop but it's empty at the moment. I'm revamping and getting ready to fill it with new stock. I don't sell things made with commercial patterns though. Stay tuned~

  3. Tamara, these are the cutest. My niece is lucky to have you.

  4. Oh Tamara. These are so adorable. I love all of the different embellishments (what a score that you got that ric rac stash). Really just too sweet.

  5. What a great idea . . . this is definitely on my to-do list for baby gifts!

  6. Oh these are just so precious! I had a go at sewing booties... never again!

  7. You are very talented. I am amazed you made those shoes. I do a lot of sewing on home projects. I am working on some window coverings now,

  8. Hey,

    These are super cute...even though I dont have kids, Im tempted to make them...or atleast own them...

    Great Work....

  9. So pretty! I would love to have a pair for my little 6 month-old. If only I could sew. Great work.

  10. Those tiny shoes are absolutely adorable! I wish I had my own set for each day of the week like that!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  11. These are all so adorable!! Makes me want another baby just so they can wear them!:) Almost...:)

  12. Baby booties make me want more babies. Thanks for sharing this with us at The Sunday Round Up.

  13. How cute!! I never got around to sewing baby booties. My mom always crocheted them for my kiddos. I LOVE the ones you made. Seriously each and everyone of them are adorable. Thanks for parting with us this week.

  14. Oh my! These are just the cutest! You are going to be a feature today at our Pin'inspiration Party C:

  15. Hi, I'm Jaime. I run a blog called The Dress-up Drawer and I was just passing through. Love your blog and adorable little booties!
    I have a great giveaway going on right now for a personalized platter from The Southern Belle Boutique and just thought it might interest you. Thanks for letting me say hi!


I look forward every day to reading your comments so make sure to add yours! Every one of them is very much appreciated.

(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
