
Friday, April 6, 2012

Butterfly Mobile

Believe it or not the forecast is calling for snow this weekend.  SNOW!?!?!?!  Yes, snow.  Argh.  I know I was lucky enough to miss an entire month of winter this year, but come on!  It's April for crying out loud. 
Well, I can't take it anymore.  I have to make something that will at least try to fool me into believing that Spring is here.

Here's what you need:

1) Cut out butterfly shapes  in different sizes and from different coloured scrapbook paper.
2) Use a pin to make a hole in the body of your butterfly.  Place the hole just up from the centre so that you're butterfly won't look like it's about to take a nosedive when it hangs from the string.

3) String some monofilament (you can use fishing line instead if that's more handy) with beads and butterflies, simply knotting to hold the beads from falling down.

3) Knot the top of your monofilment lines around an embroidery hoop.  I just used the inside hoop but you can use both pieces if you prefer.  I also thought about painting it, but I need that springtime feeling now!  I don't have time to wait for paint to dry~

4)Wrap the hoop with some pretty embellishment or garland.  I was lucky and found this fun piece at Christmas time at the second hand shop for pennies.

5) Knot some more monofilament to the top of your hoop, creating a criss cross and a loop to hang it from.

Please ignore the painters tape in the background, I'm in the middle of painting my sunroom.  By in the middle of, I mean that I started last fall, and then it snowed and got too cold, and now I have to finish it...6 months later~
DIY Mobile, butterfly mobile, hanging butterflies, Paper butterflies, How to make a mobile

DIY Mobile, butterfly mobile, hanging butterflies, Paper butterflies, How to make a mobile

I've been adding lots of fun new parties on the linky party page so make sure to go check them out.  And don't forget to enter the Martha Stewart Paint and Stencil Giveaway before April 11th.  You have loads of chances to win, so go for it.
DIY Mobile, butterfly mobile, hanging butterflies, Paper butterflies, How to make a mobile

Hope you all have a wonderful loooooooooooong weekend, even if it does snow~


  1. This is beautiful. Such a great spring idea! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Absolutely love that!!! Great idea for a little nursery i'm currently working on;)

  3. Wow you're so creative.
    This definitely has a nice Spring feel to it.
    Much Love,

  4. Very pretty idea. So springlike and feminine and delicate. I really like this, Tamara.

  5. What a pretty mobile! Great work!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  6. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Love butterflies in spring.. :) Thanks for linking up at friday fun party!

  8. This is really beautiful.
    Hope You will get to enjoy the spring soon!

  9. I'm going to have so much fun making all kinds of butterflies out of all my pretty papers. So many wonderful projects to make with one of my favorite crafts, paper.
    I hope mine turn out as pretty as yours but even if they don't I'll still enjoy them. Yours are so gorgeous will have to work very hard to make any 1/2 as good. Happy days.


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