
Friday, March 16, 2012

Egg Necklace

I don't know why I'm on such an egg kick right now but I am.  I guess I miss the good old days when I used to get to colour Easter eggs and then look for them the next morning.  (Does anyone else remember the year that one didn't get found until September behind the couch???)'s what you need to make today's craft:

(I ended up using round nose pliers and some
jewellers glue as well.)
1) Using an extra long head pin, pierce your miniature Styrofoam egg right down the centre.  I found it was actually easier to go in from the top, pull the head pin out, and the stick it in again from the bottom.

2) Embellish your egg if you want.  You can paint it or coat it in glue and roll it around in some glitter.

3) Let your eggs dry and then apply a coat of Mod Podge to give it some shine and seal it in.  I used Sparkle Mod Podge for the first layer on the painted eggs and Dimensional Mod Podge for the glitter ones.

I layered on 3 more coats of Dimensional Mod Podge on all of the eggs, letting them dry in between layers of course.

4) Once your eggs are as glossy as you can get them, remove the egg from the head pin and create this little sandwich.  If you have some jewellers glue (hypo cement), it doesn't hurt to put a few dabs between each item.
(Head pin, bottom bead cap, egg, top bead cap)
I love these bead caps so much!  They're adjustable, so you can squeeze them in and make them really sit tightly to the egg.

5) Bend the head pin to create a loop.  It's pretty thick so it's a bit hard to get a nice looking loop but you get better, the more you make~

That's it!  Easy peasy.  It just takes a long time to make depending on how many coats of paint and glue you use.

Once again, I'm surprised that this actually worked and is something I will actually wear.  The glitter ones remind me of something that Joan Rivers would sell on the The Shopping Channel.

DIY Jewellery, Mod Podge Jewellery, Mod Podge Pendant, Easy Craft, Easter Egg Necklace, egg necklace, DIY Eggs, Glitter eggs, Glitter Egg Necklace

You can wear a bunch together or just one on a chain.  If I squint, this green I'm wearing almost looks like Jade!

I don't really think of these pendants as an actual "Easter" craft. I just happened to come across the miniature eggs in the dollar store because it's that time of the year.

Can you believe I've had this idea rolling around in my head for almost 10 years?  I really wanted to blow out quail eggs instead of using Styrofoam but the only eggs I could find came in a 24 pack and there was no way I was blowing out 24 eggs. 

In any glad I finally made this!  That's one less thing inside my head to think about~


  1. I love watching to see what you are going to embellish things with. That's my favourite part. These turned out adorable!

  2. Well, isn't that clever! Very cute! I'm visiting from Serenity Now.

  3. LOVE your necklace!
    Would love to have link this up at Sunday Round UP!
    3 blogs = 1 party

  4. Love your egg necklaces. They are eggcellenat :)
    I seriously want to make some right now.
    I am hosting a Spring contest, please link them up for a chance to win.

  5. Awesome idea! The necklaces are too cute! I'd love for you to come share this at my Link Party!

  6. Awesome idea! The necklaces are too cute! I'd love for you to come share this at my Link Party!

  7. Oh, I love these! I'm definitely going to have to make some!

  8. Looks gorgeous Tamara!! Sounds much easier to use styrofoam instead of blowing out quail eggs too!! :)

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  9. SO CUTE!!! I love your blog too. I would love for you to follow my craft blog so that we can continue to share ideas!

    Can't wait to see more posts! :)


  10. How cute! Love this idea! You did a great job with the necklace! This would be a cute "mommy" necklace too - one egg to represent each child! Hmm... Mother's Day idea! :o) Thanks for sharing!

  11. LOVE this project!!!! WOW!!! : ) hugs...

  12. So very creative-you have alot of patience!! Following from finding fabulous-stop by for a visit!

  13. Hey,

    Just found you through Blue Cricket Design. FIY - sparkle nail polish works great too. Even the plain colors and it dries hard and you may not want the Modge Podge then.


    P.S. Great idea and I'm going to try this (I hope) today.

  14. This is a wonderful idea! They are so delicate and beautiful looking - thanks!
    I'm your newest follower from the "ArtsyGirl's Blog Hop". My blog is: - if you get a chance to check it out

  15. Wow, I've never seen this done before! The sparkle really makes this necklace:) Thanks for sharing!!!

  16. You know I'm a fan of your little bitty glitter eggs, lol. Thanks for sharing them at our party this week.

  17. This is such a great idea! I thought they were chocolate candy eggs wrapped in foil, and I thought "Wow, that's willpower!" LOL Chocolate that close to my nose wouldn't last a day ;P so your idea is much, much better.

  18. Very cute! Love the colors that you chose. Definitely not just for Easter :D

  19. Following your tutorial, we made these! Thanks for sharing such a fun and adorable project.

  20. I am trying the demential modge podge right now and drips, are there any tips on that. As this is my first time using it.

    Any help - email me at kidosmom


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