
Friday, February 3, 2012

Travel Journal

By the time you read this I should be somewhere between Hong Kong and Bangkok.  But did you really think I'd leave you hanging with no projects while I'm way!

Whenever I go on vacation it's usually for a fairly lengthy time, usually far too long for me to be able to keep track of everything that happens inside my little head.  So, I always take a travel journal with me, a new one for each trip.

Instead of purchasing something though, I decided to embellish something I already had laying around.  It seems the latest and greatest "gift" to give employees at my workplace are small recycled plain notebooks.  I suppose the idea is that we're supposed to use them for work, seeing as the logo is plastered right on the front, but you know, I like to be a little different~

Here's what you'll need to make your own journal:

I also used my Silhouette SD, add a pair of scissors
or punches if you don't have an electronic cutter

1) At first I was going to cut out some flowers to put on the front of my book but I just couldn't find anything that caught my eye in my Silhouette library.  Then I remembered...I'm a butterfly girl!  So, I cut out some cute little butterflies in several bright papers.

2) I used Mod Podge to adhere them to the front of my book.  I decided not to do another layer of Mod Podge on top just to go along with the whole recycled earthy look the cover already has.

I forgot to take a shot with them all glued down
but you'll see that in a bit~

3) OK, big deal right?  So I glued some paper down over the company logo so I can really enjoy my vacation.  Does that really warrant an entire tutorial?  No...but here's where we add a little something to make things special!
I "designed" this little shape above to make some tabs so I could section off my book.  It's really just a series of rounded corner rectangles welded together, so if you don't have an electronic cutter you could probably just do something similar on your own with a ruler~

4) Just cut a bunch of tab shapes in the same pretty papers, score the centre lines and get ready to glue.

5) Press your first side down on the front of the page:

6) Turn the page over and press down the other side. So super easy!

7) Section off your book and add your tabs throughout.  In my travel journals I like to have these sections:
-blog notes
-photo log

Tah dah!
DIY Travel Journal, DIY Journal, Embellish a book, How to add tabs to a book
So pretty right?

But wait...there's more!  While I had my Mod Podge out I figured I better cover the logo on my pen too.

So, there it is all together and ready to go.  I can't wait to use it!

If you want to keep up with my travels just click here.


  1. I love this idea! I'm a traveler too and I also keep a travel journal, but I usually just include it in my regular journal. I have 2 big trips coming up in the next couple of months and I am definitely going to steal your tab idea! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. This is a great idea! I have to add it to my (very long) to-do list :P Thanks for sharing it! Oh, and have a fun trip!

  3. What a good idea. I aleays think that I'll remember everything when I get home, but as I'm putting togheter my scrapbook I realise that a lot of things have sliped my mind, so I might steal your ide the next time i go flying.
    Wish you a great weekend!

  4. you are so organized! Nice job. Record everything and bring back lots of good stories to share!

  5. I love your file dividers :) I just blogged about my travel journal on Monday too!

    Enjoy your trip - I'm off to go stalk your travel blog!

  6. Such a cute little notebook and pen Tamara! great job! - happy travelling!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  7. Sweet & simple - love it!

  8. Love it and what a great idea !

  9. I just love the tabs! Those are brilliant! There are so many times that I wish notebooks and things came with tabs. I am totally pinning this so I can make them!

  10. Oooh, I love those tabs too. I can't wait to give this a try. I love the idea that you have an individual book for each trip - that's brilliant.

  11. This is great! I am making something similar for my husband for his birthday so he can catalogue our travels soon. Thanks for sharing.

  12. It's great!
    I love the butterflies!

  13. Hi Tammy,
    This is so beautiful. I am featuring this on my blog. Have a look here :
    Thank You.


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