
Friday, November 18, 2011

Trash to Useful Treasure

I have yet another spool knitted scarf/cowl tutorial for you but I figured it would be nice to take a break from all of that knitting and do a quick little junk transformation today.  Besides, I'm still a little under the weather and needed something super easy and quick to do.

I picked up this little shelf at the second hand shop not too long ago.  All you need for this project is a junky shelf like this, some hot glue, crochet lace, and scissors (which of course I forgot to throw in the picture).

It's supposed to have wooden pieces across the fronts of each of the shelves and probably some little drawers or something in the bottom.  It's really pretty much trash but I figured I could salvage it for something useful though.

I had every intention of bringing it home and immediately coating it in white paint.  But after walking past it a few times I realized I sort of liked that cute folksy floral thing at the top and the colour kind of matches my kitchen table. 

So, I just cleaned it up a bit and started gluing.

I put down a bead of hot glue along the side and then some crochet lace coming away from the shelf.  Seem strange?

Well, I didn't want any fraying raw edges showing, so this way you can lay down another bead of glue on top of the lace and fold it back over.  That way you get a nice clean edge.

A tiny bit of glue along the bottom of the shelf and on the other side secures the lace in place.

Then I just repeated on the other two shelves.

DIY Recipe Card Holder, Recipe Rack, Recipe Cards, Trash to Treasure, Junk Restyle, Spice Rack Transformation

And added my sad excuse of a recipe card collection.  (I don't really like cooking and trying new recipes.)

Here's where I usually keep my recipes:

It gets all greasy and gross on the outside because it sits right there on the stove.

I have no idea what will go on the bottom just yet.  And if I ever get my little desk alcove in the kitchen finished this is where it will hang.  I'm planning on painting the back wall with magnetic and chalk board paint and that little tiny wall will get some cork board.

Tah dah!  And now my next task is to make some cuter recipe cards, but I've got all winter to do that~  For now, I'm just happy to have someplace handy to stash my recipes.  I think if they're out like this I might just remember to pull them out and use them once in awhile instead of just relying on whatever box or can Ican reach in the cupboard.
Where do you keep your recipes?  What do you think I should put in the bottom sections?  Leave a comment below with your ideas!

Have a great week everyone!

Don't forget to get your entry into the Big Plaid Giveaway.  The winner will be announced on November 24th!


  1. Oooh...that's very pretty! I love the folk art too! Start printing my recipe cards to add to your collectiion my girl! And for the bottom...humm... storage for your chalk and eraser for that upcoming magnetic chalkboard of course!

  2. Love little cute finds like that. And the less you spend even the more you love it.

  3. What a great idea! I love how you rescued something that probably would have gone over looked by everyone else!!

  4. Oh my cuteness! Thanks for sharing this fabulous idea on SNS! Love it and so my taste :)
    XO, Kate of

  5. Your treasure loos great with the lace. Don't worry most sewers don't like to cook. You can always keep your take-out menus there.

  6. What a great idea. It looks amazing.


  7. I LOVE little shelves like this - yours looks great! Please feel free to link up to my Make Yourself Monday blog hop!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  8. The lace was a perfect addition!:) I need to figure out a cool holder like that for my recipes.:)

  9. such a simple touch and it totally transformed it I'd love it if you would add this to my party over at


I look forward every day to reading your comments so make sure to add yours! Every one of them is very much appreciated.

(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
