
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Make it Great Monday!

Are you ready?!?!  Today is my first linky party and you're all invited!  I can't wait to see what you've all been up to.  Let's start out the week by making Monday great and sharing our creative ideas!

If you participate it would be great if you hit that follow button in the sidebar (if it's working...thanks Google for making such stable gadgets!) but it's not mandatory.  I would really appreciate it though if you could spread the word by adding my button or link somewhere to your site, a sidebar, or linky party page, whatever works for you.


You can share any family friendly projects that you've made yourself.  Crafts, Sewing, and even recipes are all welcome.

Go ahead and share and don't forget to visit someone else, because we all like new visitors.

And most of all....have fun~


  1. The html in your button isn't right. I fixed it for my post, but I want you to know because it won't show up otherwise. :)

  2. Hi Tamara,
    Thanks for hosting this party. I have linked two of my latest projects. I think there is something wrong with your button. I have tried three times to copy it and it still won't work.

  3. Hey,

    Thanks for hosting! I linked my version of your sunglasses organizer. Such a great idea! Good luck with your party!

  4. Thanks ladies! I'll fix it when I get home this afternoon. I had a feeling there might be a bump or two with this first party. Next week I'll have it all worked out.

    Love your projects everyone!!

  5. How fun!! Thanks for hosting the party!

  6. Thanks for inviting me to link up!

  7. Welcome to the party everyone! I think the button is now working, sorry about that. I had an couple of extra letters in the code but it's all good now.
    Hope you're all having a great Monday!

  8. Great site! Thanks for the invite! I've linked up, but can't seem to post your button.

  9. Sorry about that...finally go the button to work! :)


I look forward every day to reading your comments so make sure to add yours! Every one of them is very much appreciated.

(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
