
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Perfect Little Pill Box

No, I'm talking talking hats, I'm talking about an actual little box to put your pill bottles into~

I was standing at my kitchen counter the other night and suddenly realized that I have quite a mess of medications sitting on top of my microwave.  I know this is probably not a good spot for them, but that's where they sit. (I have a weird phobia about medicine cabinets, they just gross me out.)

perscriptions, pain killers, supplements, vitamins, allergy stuff...
what a mess!

Then I found this cute little box pattern on Silhouette last weekend.

You're supposed to use it to store your washi tape collection in.  Luckily for me, and my craft closet, that's the one and only craft trend that I've managed to pass up.  I just knew that if I started buying it I wouldn't stop, so I avoided it altogether.

But I still made the box...

And look at this.  The washi tape holder is the perfect size!  It fits a small pill bottle perfectly.

I ended up making two, got rid of a couple of expired perscriptions, and now don't have quite such a mess.

Do you have any crafting trends that you've intentionally skipped over for the sake of your pocket book?  Leave a comment, and make sure to jump over to YouTube to watch THIS hilarious video while you're at it:

Linda from Lindababyus


  1. Oh yes, I've avoided the washi tape trend, too. Also pinterest. I know, that almost makes me lose my points as a crafter, but I just don't have time for it! ;-)

  2. So cute! Pinned. Lou Lou Girls


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