
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Olsen Twins Wedding Dress

Have you see the wedding gown that Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen designed for their friend Molly Fishkin?

The internet was all atwitter about it last week because these ladies are all such arbiters of amazing style (I've never heard of Molly Fishkin before but I think she's a Hollywood stylist).

Now, every bride is of course beautiful, but I have to say, I was expecting something...more.  I mean, just look at Mary-Kate (I think that's which one it is.  They aren't identical twins but I still have a hard time telling them apart.).  She looks absolutely stunning.

This gown though seems rather plain and medieval looking to me.

What would you do if your friend insisted on designing your wedding gown?  Could you say no?  What if you don't like it?

Would you ever say no to the Olsen Twins style advice?  What would you do?  Leave a comment below~


  1. I like the simplicity of the dress, but the bell cuff disturbs me a little. I could tell a friend no way, if I despised what was chosen.

  2. Beautiful! Simple and clean, not ridiculous or sleazy as so many I see advertised or worn by those in the mags now. The bodice needed a proper fitting as it is too loose along the neckline. The old fashioned lace is just lovely.
    I'm rather surprised anyone would think the young woman hadn't given any input or the "twins" didn't put any thought into what their friend would have liked to have worn on her day. This style is very much a combination of a cut neckline of the 50s and the sleeves used a lot in the 70s and 80s. I made my own dress and had a very similar style back in 82.
    Everything old is new again! :)


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