
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Write it Down, Make it Happen

I couldn't let the year start without pointing you towards one of my favourite goal setting books~

Summary from In Write It Down, Make It Happen, Henriette Anne Klauser, Ph.D., explains how simply writing down your goals in life is the first step toward achieving them. Writing can even help you understand what you want. In this book, you will read stories about ordinary people who witnessed miracles large and small unfold in their lives after they performed the basic act of putting their dreams on paper. Klauser's down-to-earth tips and easy exercises are sure to get your creative juices flowing. Before you know it, you'll be writing your own ticket to success.

Review: Goal setting involves a lot more than just writing something than down and then suddenly, "tah day!", a little positive thought later, it all works out according to plan.  Henriette Anne Klauser knows this as well, which is why her book may need a slightly new title.  In it, she walks the reader through a number of real life stories and writing exercises that help people to figure out their goals and the steps that they need to complete take to reach them.

This book will encourage you to figure out your goals, focus on an outcome, raise the bar, recognize the utility of resistance, listen to your subconscious, give thanks, and more.  The book itself is easy to read with lots of anecdotes and each chapter ends with an exercise to complete to help you get one step closer to what you want to achieve in life.  

Reading this book alone is not going to change your life.  However, if you use it as the tool that it's intended to be, add a little common sense and positivity, then you never know, you just might start living the life that you've always dreamt~

This year I have several goals that I want to achieve.  In terms of my blog, I'm going to expand the vision slightly and start incorporating more facets of my life.  I always say I'm going to do this but always end up falling back on the crafty stuff, because that's easy for me, and means I don't have to open myself up any more than I already have.

I also want this year to be more exciting.  I've gotten into a real (and safe) routine that I need to break free from.  I'm going to make a big move, literally, and am going to say yes more than I say no.  I'm going to open myself up to new experiences and I'm going to challenge myself more often.  I need to do some more work to figure out exactly what all this is going to look like, but I'm on my way.

I like to think of goals for the year instead of New Year's Resolutions, it just feels like a little less pressure to me.  How about you?  What do you want to accomplish this year?  Write it down below in the comments never know, you just might make it happen!


  1. One financial goal we have this year is to rebuild our savings after having purchased a home in the summer of 2013. We'd like to have 3-6 months income set aside for emergencies.

  2. Instead of resolutions, I always pick a word (mine is JOY this year). I choose one that forces me to stretch myself. As a former teacher where each day is about setting goals and planning how to reach them, I can attest to the positive effect goal-setting has on one's life. Each weekend I try to make a plan to reach a goal by the next weekend or month or however long it takes me. I am still working on "patience" after several years :>)))


I look forward every day to reading your comments so make sure to add yours! Every one of them is very much appreciated.

(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
