
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Breaking Tea with Breaking Bad

One of my colleagues at work recently got me hooked on Breaking Bad.  I ended up watching all five seasons in a matter of a few weeks.....until I got to the middle of season 5 and all of a sudden Netflix had suddenly run out of shows!


Ahh!  What to do?  I was in intense anticipation of what was about to happen and I was suddenly cut off from my Breaking Bad supply.  Luckily, for my colleague, he was able to get me the last 4 shows so I could find some relief.  I didn't ask where he got it, I just took the shows and watched them, and two days later was finally able to breathe again.

So, as a thank you to my teetotalling friend, I made him a little gift...Heisenberg Tea.

If you've never watched Breaking Bad this entire post will seem pretty crass, but trust me, I know he's going to love it and will get a real kick at remembering each episode that each great quote comes from with every new cup of tea he makes.

You can find a much more tame version of this project, with full step-by-step instructions, HERE.

If you want the Breaking Bad version, here are all of the quotes I used:

Are you a Breaking Bad fan?  What's your favourite quote?  Leave a comment below (but keep it clean)~

1 comment:

  1. This is a cute idea. Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link party.
    Debi and Charly at Adorned From Above


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