
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Block the Noise in Style

I work in a cubicle in an office where my co-workers can get a little rowdy from time to time.  I don't like to always be the one telling everyone to be quiet and get back to work so instead I throw on my  headphones and crank the YouTube music videos on for background noise.

I actually prefer complete silence when I'm working, but that's just not realistic.  All of my coworkers do completely different work than I do so they just don't understand why their constant chatter bugs me....but they do understand my need to look stylish while blocking them out.

It's just a bit of gorgeous scrapbooking paper adhered with some Mod Podge but I think they look so much better.

Do you work in a noisy office?  Do you enjoy the noise (some people do?!?!?) or do you have some tricks for blocking it out?  Some days I listen to Chopin Nocturnes, other days I listen to Fleetwood Mac.  What do you listen to while you work?  Leave a comment below~

You can see my travel headphones transformed HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool headphones Tamara! I like to have the radio on in the background, except when I'm doing housework - which Enrique Iglesias likes to help me do! :)

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success


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