
Friday, August 9, 2013

Glitter CD Case

I think I might be one of the last people on the planet, but I have to admit, I do still listen to CD's.  I travel a lot on the highway for my job so I have to have something to entertain me on those long trips.  And singing as loud as I can to a cd full of my favourite songs helps me stay awake.

And you know how much I love pretty glittery things so today I give you....

glitter CD, CD Case repurpose

Even if you don't listen to CD's I bet you have loads of these things laying around.  Why not make them pretty and use them for something else.

Here's what you need to make your own:

-Mod Podge and sponge brush
-pretty scrapbooking paper

1) I made a little label for my CD with my Silhouette.  You can get as simple or as ornate as you want with this.

I listen to a lot of old French music
so I used the French word for songs. 

2) Lay down your first layer of Mod Podge and stick your label face down.

Make sure to add some Mod Podge on top and around the edges to seal it all in.

3) Mod Podge dries pretty quickly so you might need to lay another layer of it down, nice and thick this time and then throw some glitter on top.

You may need to do this two or three times to get a nice even layer of glitter.  Don't worry about it coming off inbetween coats.  Just don't press down too hard when you put a new layer of Mod Podge on top.

4) Once you have as much glitter down as you like put one last layer of Mod Podge on top to seal all that glitter in.

Remember, Mod Podge dries clear so you can go as thick as you need to.  Don't forget to get into the nooks and crannies.

That's pretty much it!  Mod Podging doesn't get much simpler than this.

I love how it sparkles in the sunshine.

CD cases can be used to hold photos, calendars, recipes, etc.  You name it, if it's flat enough you can throw it in there and have a super cute case to put it in.  Have more ideas?  Leave a comment below and let us all know.

Avoir une bonne semaine!  (I think that means have a good week en francais)


  1. what a cute way to personalize belongings
    come see us at

  2. I love anything with glitter Tamara - and I still listen to plenty CDs too!!
    I also stopped by to let you know that I featured your versatile scarf top on my round tuit post this week!
    Round Tuit 166
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success


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(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
