
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Underbed Storage

It's a good thing it's recycle week here at Etcetorize this week!  I recently pulled out all of my summer clothes from storage and suddenly realized that I have WAY too much stuff!

What's a girl to do?  Give away all her pretty summer clothes?  Not yet....I made new storage!

I just cleaned up a couple of drawers from a discarded dresser that's out in the garage.

Gave them a few coats of nice white paint and some new knobs.

Pulled out my drill and electric screwdriver to add a few wheels on castors to the bottoms.

And voila!  More space to hide store my clothes!

Warning!  This is not a good place to store
your black turtleneck sweaters because
it also makes a cozy hiding place~

Which season do you have more clothes for?  Summer or winter?  My winter clothes take up just as much space but I think that's only because they're bulkier.  Leave a comment, and let us know, how do you store your off season gear?


  1. It's a great idea. My boys have drawers under their bunk beds.

  2. Hmmmm, thanks for the inspiration, we got two drawers from somebody so now know what will be done with them. Hooray.
    I'll have to watch as our kitty loves to hide under the bed among several other places, usually my fabric.
    Think I'll have hubs build a stand to slip the drawers thru to reside in my sewing room, somewhere.
    My sewing room is quite small, most people have closets bigger than my sewing room. I'm always trying to organize things to make room so things end up sitting out in hallway til I give up and put them back in sewing room, hohum, lol. Our little mfg. single wide isn't getting any bigger.
    Take care, love your blog. I've been cutting things out to make couple of butterfly projects you featured. Happy days

  3. What a great idea! Love the casters on the bottom for easy rolling. I happen to have a discarded dressed too! Going to try this out :) Thanks for the fantastic idea!

  4. How dare you post a kitty pic? They are my weakness... good idea as well, lol! We would love it if you would link up at our linky party:
    Two Girls and a Party
    Live every Wednesday to Sunday. Hosted by:
    Dana @ This Silly Girl's Life
    Parrish @ Life with the Crust Cut Off
    We hope to see you there!

  5. I'm going to make these for under my kids' beds for toy storage. Thanks for the how-to!

  6. Ha! Nifty idea!!
    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success


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