
Friday, April 5, 2013

Variations on a Box

A couple of weeks ago I showed you how to make a super duper easy boxy top and this week I'm going to show you how, with just a few variations, you can get a whole new top out of the same pattern!

Here's what you need to make your own:

-Free Boxy Top pattern
-Fabric, 1X length of top for wide fabric, 2X length of top for narrow fabric
-Standard sewing kit (Scissors, pins, thread, ruler, marker pen or chalk)
-1.4m (56") ribbon and safety pin

1) Cut out your fabric using your pattern.  You will need to make a couple of minor alterations, which you can do right on the fabric using your chalk or marking pen.

Just extend the shoulder out about 1.5" and then connect the corner to the bottom of the armhole (see original pattern making post for all measurements).  Also, extend the bottom hem to square it off.

2) With right sides together sew your side seams with a 5/8 seam allowance, stopping at the bottom of the armhole.

3) Finish your seam edges and press back.  Using your seam as a guide, press back the armhole edges 5/8" as well and sew down.

4) Now you can stitch your shoulder seams closed.  Once again, with right sides together stitch a 5/8" seam. Do not trim off any seam allowance but you can finish the edges and press back.

Now stitch down each of the seams along the edges.  You will create two casings, one on each side of the seamline.

5) Cut your ribbon into 4 lengths of approximately 35cm (14").

6) Using a safety pin, guide your ribbon through each of your casings, leaving a long tail hanging out the armhole side and only a teeny tiny bit out of the neckline side.

7) Stitch down the ends only on the neckline end.  Once you're all done you'll be able to ruche up your shoulder seams like this:

8) Now just finish your edges on the neckline and the hem.  On the neckline, just turn it under 5/8", press, and stitch down.

For the bottom hem, cut a piece of narrow elastic to fit comfortable around your lower waist.  Turn up your hem approximately 3/4" more than the width of your elastic.  Make a casing and guide the elastic through with the safety pin and then close the casing.

And that!  You're done!

This time my fabric has some stretch to it so the neckline turned out quite a bit wider than the original top.  I'll have to remember that for the next variation!

I have loads of ideas for this simple box, including a fun maxi dress idea!  I'm going sketch them all out and let you guys vote on which one you want to see next.

Which do you like better?  Home made patterns from scratch or store bought?  (I won't be offended if you say store bought, I probably own enough to wallpaper my entire house...inside and out!).  Leave a comment below~

Here's a reminder of the first top made with this pattern:

Have a crafty week everyone!


  1. This is adorable! I love it and it looks like something even I might be able to do. Well,that's debatable...I usually end up in tears when the sewing machine is involved. ;) My daughter just started sewing so this might be a fun a project for her to try.

  2. This is super cute. I might make one for when the summer finally arrives!

  3. Great looking top! I too have way too many store bought patterns. By the time I alter them to fit,I might as well have drafted from scratch. I am trying not to buy any more patterns.

  4. Oooh a maxi dress. I am excited! When I saw this top (which I WILL be making) I instantly thought it would look cute as a dress. Looks great, thanks so much for sharing.

  5. This is so cute! Why does it look awesome on you but would look like a garbage bag on me? LOL

  6. Lovely top Tamara!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  7. Adorable! Great job!

  8. hmmm... wonder if I could do this. SO CUTE on you! I'll pin and hopefully try it soon! :)

  9. Very cute! I actually like the wide neck, look like a cowl.

  10. Love the shoulder & side seam details. It really is amazing what a different a few things like that make! You've been featured at Sew Can Do - stop by & grab a Featured On button. Thanks for linking to the Craftastic Monday party at Sew Can Do!


I look forward every day to reading your comments so make sure to add yours! Every one of them is very much appreciated.

(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
