
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Thank you Cards

Last week started out with a not so great Monday morning.  My car door locked itself, while it was running, with my purse inside, which also had my house keys, phone, and anything else I would've found useful inside.

I'm usually very careful about this stupid feature on my vehicle but I just wasn't living in the moment that particular Monday morning.

So, at 7:45 a.m. I had to go knock on my neighbour's door to borrow their phone so that I could call someone who had an extra house key so I could get inside my house to get my extra car key (not the best set up I know, I'm in the processing of finding a better place to keep extra keys.)

Even though everyone was beyond gracious and helpful, I felt horrible about having to bother so many people at such an early time.  So, I made cookies and cards!

 I'm not very good baking but I have to say, my Haystacks are pretty exceptional (also called Unbaked Cookies).  They key is to put in way too much cocoa so that they're super duper chocolatey!

If you have any crafty ways of hiding your keys outside let me know.  I need some ideas.  The only thing to keep in mind is that I still have 4 feet of snow surrounding my house and the ground is no digging allowed.  Leave a comment with your crafty ideas~

Here's the inspiration for the card from CreativeItch  :

                                                           Source: via Etcetorize on Pinterest


  1. Oh no! Bless your heart--what a mess! Glad you had people around to rescue you. =)

    When I was a kid, we had a magnetic key holder that was attached to the back side of a light switch in the garage. It was well hidden, away from the house, and accessible even through snow. Maybe that will give you an idea of a good place around your house. Hope you find a good solution!

  2. I've had the same problem...and here's how I fixed it! I have a hook that I automatically hang my keys on as soon as I come in the door. I keep just an extra car and extra house key on a plain ring and also hanging on that hook. When I get my "regular" keys, I immediately take my "extra" ring and put it in my pocket...NOT in my purse!! This way, I have an extra car and house key on my person, all day, if needed. Accidental lock out or (heaven forbid) lost purse...I can still drive my car and get in my house. This has saved my butt, more than once, when my car locked me out!! I would love to give the person who invented THAT feature a piece of my mind!! I hope my solution works for you!! Email me with any questions :)

  3. Cute cards! We leave a spare key under a "special" piece of wood chip


  4. What a morning! Everyone should have a cute stack of handmade thank you cards like yours at the ready!

  5. Darling cards! I like to paper craft, too. One week, I locked my keys in my car 3 times... I don't know what was going on with me!
    I'm visiting you today from Happy Nifty Thrifty. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog and leave a comment and Link Up, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Medicine Cabinet Makeover

  6. What pretty cards and such a thoughtful gesture!! Happy Spring! Lori


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