
Monday, February 4, 2013

Your Style Rocks!

Instead of crafting my time away this past weekend I spent a bit more time than usual just being lazy and hanging out on the internet.  Normally I would get after myself about this except that I came across this totally awesome website that made it all worthwhile! is a designers dream!  This is how the website describes itself:

"Here at Your Style Rocks! We think that individual, home-sewn fashion is so much more exciting than standard clothes you can buy in highstreet stores - which is why we offer you dress patterns to download and use for free. You have your own design ideas? Awesome! Share them with us in our monthly challenge. The style rated the most by our community will be published as next month's free pattern. It could be your design that's going to rock our fashion world next!"

So neat, right!?!  Here's a sample of a few of the FREE patterns they have on offer right now:

Apparently they have such a backlog of FREE patterns to make and post that they've put the monthly challenges on hold for awhile, but in the meantime you can get busy making the patterns they have so far.  All you need to do is sign up for a free membership and you're in.

If you don't draw or sew but you still have ideas you can still send them in and, you never know, you could be seeing your designs in print!

*This is not a sponsored post.  I just think this is a really neat site and wanted to share it with you~


  1. Oooh, I love the black dress. I'm pinning this for when I have time to lose myself online. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Those patterns are seriously cute! Thank you for sharing.


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