
Thursday, February 21, 2013

New Spring Vogue Release

Yesterday I mentioned that Vogue release a new set of patterns, so let's take a look at some stand-outs.

Wrapping and ruching certainly seems to be the trend over at Vogue this season:

V1342, V1341,  V1339, V1338
There are LOTS of ill fitting dresses to choose from:

Both of these models are beautiful, but I think they made all of their outfits too big.  Look at how that teal dress is falling, and above look at the armhole on the yellow dress.  I think they have to stand in such weird poses just to get the outfits to look good.

But strangest of all is this one...because it's supposed to look this way:

Now I know Vogue is supposed to be all avant garde and everything, but since when did looking like you just had a bar brawl become fashion?

So, here's the thing, I love Vogue patterns.  I usually drool over the beautiful designer dresses and blouses all the time, but I'm just not crazy about this release. I know I couldn't pull off any of these looks.  How about you?  Are you going to dive in and wrap, roll, and tear?  You'll be more fashionable than I~

To top off the strangeness, check out their newest pattern that is being released on the web only.

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving all of these! I'm following you via GFC. I host Fluster Creative Muster Party on Wednesdays and I would love it if you would come by and party with us. Hope to see you there!

    Hugs, Smiles, and Blessings,

    Fluster Buster


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