
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bye Bye Golden Girls~

Well, it's with a heavy heart that I bid adieu to my lovely Golden Girls~

I finally finished watching all 7 seasons on DVD!

And what perfect timing.  These wonderful ladies managed to get me through one of the most stressful things I've had to endure...job loss.

I started watching when I was first notified that my job was being cut (back in May).  It was the only thing that could take my mind off of my worries.  For 22 minutes straight I was able to laugh, cry, and roll my eyes at someone else's problems...and it helped.
It seems so silly.  It's just an old sit-com from the 90's but I really became attached to the characters.

I actually had to take a break from watching after the first 5 or 6 dvd's because I was dreaming about them too!

I'm not as old as the Golden Girls were (yet) but they dealt with  the same issues and problems that I think affect most women at some point in their life.  Everything from health scares, to job loss, to home invasion, sexuality, family, marriage, divorce, jealousy, money problems, aging, etc.  You name it, they dealt with it.
And guess what, I just now finished all 21 discs (!) and it just so happens that I coincidentally have found some closure in my work situation and have been offered a new job.  Talk about perfect timing!

Now, what did I learn from the Golden Girls???
-None of us is getting any younger, live the life you want to live now.

-Real friends are like family, they're always there for you, no matter what.
-A little sarcasm never hurts to get you through an awkward situation.
-If you think you’re beautiful then you are!  And everyone else will see you that way too~
-You’re never too old to find Mr. Right. (which is good because not only am I getting older but I haven't dated anyone in years!)

Do you have an oldie but goodie that gets you through the tough times?  Makes you laugh even when there's nothing to laugh about?  If not, go to your local library (or YouTube) and start watching the Golden Girls right from Season 1.  I guarentee it'll put a smile on your face~

~Thank you for being a friend~


  1. oh, i loved that show!
    for past few months, I decided to watch only shows or movies that make me laugh, so I can relax and go to bed with smiles on my face.
    it works just fine for me ;)

  2. Loved your thoughts about the Golden Girls and also CONGRATS on your job offer!

  3. I absolutely love the Golden Girls... Rose was always my favorite, so gullible and her stories of her home town just killed me! Oh Betty White.

    Congratulations on the new job, I was out of work last year and just broke down and cried when I was finally employed again.

  4. The Golden Girls is my favorite show of all time. I have the entire series on DVD too and watch them so often... that show is timeless, still relevant so many years later!

  5. Don't watch much TV, do remember the Golden Girls (laugh/smile)

    When I'm feeling blue, sometimes my weird side kicks in and I stop and think, "What would Mr. Bean Do?" (British actor Rowan Atkinson's character).

    ALWAYS cracks me up even when I'm supposed to be serious!

  6. Ah yes... I can relate. I just finished watching every season of Brothers and Sisters. It helped ;)
    So happy things turned around for you T~


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