
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Motivated Monthly: Garden Party!

Before we get to our little Garden party I need to show you a couple of stand out ideas from last month's 3 R party. 

(By the way, some of you have some very funny ideas about what a recycling project is...either that or a few of you skipped right over the post and went straight to the linky.  I encourage everyone to slow down and take a look at some of the projects from your talented 'co-blogger's' and then take just a few seconds to read the 'guidelines'.  It was our first kick at the can with the monthly theme though, so I'm just going to suck it up and move onto some awesome projects~)

I thought this neat window covering idea from Av Susanne was a great way to put all your doilies to good use.

And Angie over at God's Growing Garden had an awesome recyle idea for old newspapers.  Check out how to make these environmentally friendly starter pots on her blog.


This month's theme is projects for the GARDEN! 

What do I mean by that???
  Well, here's a good example:

These are some garden markers I made recently to place in my garden.  Just link up something you made in the garden, for the garden, or came from the garden.  Pretty straightforward. 
 (If you're looking for someplace to share other crafty ideas just head over to yesterday's
 Make it Great Monday linky party.)

1) Link directly to your family friendly project, not your blog main page
2) Limit of 4 links/blog please, no one likes a linky hog
3) Link only creative projects that you've created yourself (no round-ups, giveaways, or shops please)
4) For this month please link up GARDEN PROJECTS ONLY~

This party is co-hosted by my good friend Gen over at Cabin Fevered Gem, so your link will show on both of our blogs, getting double exposure! You can link up at either blog and you can feel free to follow both of us if you'd like (we'd be super thrilled), but it's not mandatory. 
This party will also be posted each week, so you'll get even more clicks throughout the month!

We do ask though that you please post our button someplace on your blog where everyone will see it. The more people that join the party, the more fun and exposure it will be for all of you.


Here's what's coming up next...
July: Handmade Jewellery
August: Oh Baby!
September: Natural Materials

(If you link up you are giving Gen and I permission to tell the world how great you are and possibly post a picture or a link to your awesome project either here, on Facebook, or on Pinterest. Make sure you're OK with this before you link up.)

Are you ready to get down and dirty in the garden?!?  Go ahead, show us what you've got!

(Don't be afraid to turn off comment verification, especially if you link up to lots of parties.  Adding that extra step makes it very time consuming for your hosts to leave a comment at all of the posts.)


  1. What a fun idea to have a monthly theme! My thumb is a dark shade of purple, so I don't do much in the garden, but I will be back to see what everyone else creates!


  2. Ugh, I realized you ONLY wanted garden after I posted 3 links. I did read the post but I didn't thoroughly read the paragraph PRIOR to the first photos. Then I read your Linky rules and it didn't say anything about Garden . I don't know how to deleted the link. I'm so sorry.

  3. That's OK Danee...taken care of. Make sure to go back to yesterday's Make it Great party to link up. We totally want to see your great ideas!


I look forward every day to reading your comments so make sure to add yours! Every one of them is very much appreciated.

(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
