
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Make it Great Monday

Thank you so much for linking up all of your great creative ideas last week everyone!  Here's a sample of some of the wonderful ideas out there in case you didn't do the rounds and check everyone else out.

1. Andrea from The Simple Craft Diaries share and excellent tutorial on how to add interest to an easy t-shirt scart/necklace.
2. Love and Laundry shared a great shows you how to make the perfect summer beach/pool bag from a great looking towel.
3. Amber from Salt Tree showed off her beautiful brooch bouquet, with excellent directions on how to make your own.
4. And, you know I can't resist a good fashin recycle, so go check out the cute skirt tutorial from LauraLynn over at Laura's Bit and Bobs.  Can you tell what her skirt used to be?

If you were featured you can grab a button from the sidebar!

Now, once you're done checking out all of those great projects, make sure to link up your own.
We've got two separate parties going on
so make sure you link up to right one.

Please, Please, Please
link to the right party and
don't make me delete your project.
I absolutely hate doing that.

Take a second to read this before you link:

Remember to only link:
1) To your Family Friendly Project Post that you've made yourself, not your main blog page
2) Maximum of 3 projects that you haven't link up before
3) Please, no shops, giveaways, or round ups
4) Feel free to hit one of those Follow buttons on the sidebar ;)

And, not really a rule, but something you won't regret if you do....go visit some of the other links and leave a comment, we all love comments right~
If you link up, please post my button somewhere on your blog
so more people can come join the fun:


Let's see what you've been working on!
(Both parties are co-hosted by my friend Gen at Cabin Fevered Gem. If you link up you are giving Gen and I permission to tell the world how great you are and possibly post a picture or a link to your awesome project either here, on Facebook, or on Pinterest. Make sure you're OK with this before you link up.)
for all of your CREATIVE PROJECTS


Here's what's coming up next...
July: Handmade Jewellery
August: Oh Baby!
September: Natural Materials
for all of your GARDENING PROJECTS

Did you read the post above?  Did you link the right party?

If you did, congratulations, you get to move on and enter the latest Martha Stewart Stitched giveaway!  Deadline is Wednesday, June 20th so get your entries in now~


  1. HI!!
    THank you so much for featuring my necklace!!!!
    love the party!

    cool features!


  2. Good morning and thanks for another link party. I linked up my Homemade Crockpot Yogurt (#30 in the first linky party) that is super easy to make, is so tasty and very good for you! Hope you like the recipe and have a great week!

  3. THANK YOU for the feature!! You totally rock!!

  4. Hello, from your newest follower. Thank you for the invite over to your blog and link up party. I linked up my easy breezy top.

  5. Thanks so much for hosting!

  6. Thank you for inviting me to your party! I have started to follow you via GFC.
    Wish you a beautiful day,


I look forward every day to reading your comments so make sure to add yours! Every one of them is very much appreciated.

(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
