
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ornament Challenge: 7 in 7

After watching me blog for the past year, my very good friend Gen has decided to dive head first into the blogging world and start a blog of her own.

Cabin Fevered Gem

Gen moved to our little prairie oasis from the big city lights in Ontario and Quebec 7 years ago and has adapted surprisingly well. Only a few years ago she used to say crazy things like "I'm not creative." or "I'm not into crafting." Now, she's totally immersed herself and scrapbooks, makes cards, DIY's thrifty finds, and on top of all that she's a wonderful cook too!

Last week she had a Christmas Card Challenge and produced 7 cards in 7 days!  And now she has decided to continue the Christmas fun by challenging me to making 7 Christmas tree ornaments in 7 days!  I'm not one to back down from a challenge, so here on girl!

I decided to start the week out with a simple craft that you could do with either fabric or paper.

Here's what you need:

1) Cut out the template for your ornament shape and then cut out it out three times in cardstock (this won't show in the end so it doesn't matter what it looks like).

This is folded in half so that both sides are even.
Cut it out and unfold it.

I'm making two ornaments so I have six to cut out.
Also, I marked the tops and bottoms so that I wouldn't mix them up~
2) Lay the cardstock pieces down on the wrong side of your fabric (or paper), add an extra 1/2" and cut around the shape.

3) Add some glue to the edges of your template and glue your fabric (or paper) down so that the right side folds over the edges.

4) Once you've got all three sides covered head over to the sewing machine and stitch the edges of your shape together.

It should look like this when you're done.

5) You could do this next bit before you sew up the ornament but I decided to just stitch the hanger and beaded tassel on now.

Cut a piece of ribbon about 4" long, fold in half, and stitch into the top tip of your ornament.

6) String some pretty beads onto some monofilament and stitch into the bottom tip of the ornament.

Voila!  You're done!  A beautiful ornament to hang on your tree.

DIY Christmas ornament, Fabric Ornaments, Crafting, Sewing ornament, beaded Christmas ornament

This is a great way to get rid of scraps.  You could even use different fabrics on each side for a more funky look or spray it with some glitter to bling it out.

Head on over to Cabin Fevered Gem and see what she came up with.  If you'd like to take part in the challenge you can link up your handmade ornaments on the Make it Great Monday linky party.  It'll be open all week.

If you decide to take up the challenge yourself, don't forget to link up all of your handmade christmassy ideas at the Make it Great Linky party right here starting tonight at 9 p.m.

And make sure to click HERE to enter the December giveaway!

Only 20 days until Christmas!  Better get crafting~


  1. Sweet! Thanks!

    Oh... and...BRING IT!


  2. Great tutorial! I love the colors you chose and how easy it would be to do different themes! thanks for posting.


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(I'm having many challenges with the Blogger comment system so please don't be offended if I don't reply to your lovely comments. If you ask a question sometimes I have to answer it here for this reason, so make sure to check back in the comments section for your answer.)
