
Friday, November 11, 2011

Twist and Twirl Ruffly Scarf

Do I have enough scarves yet?  No!  Nevahhhhhhhhhh!  Well, OK, yeah, maybe I do, but I couldn't resist picking up this super cool yarn while I was at the Creativ Festival a few weeks ago so I had to add another scarf to my collection.  I had absolutely no choice in the matter.

Check it out, I have two kinds that are basically the same idea, just different versions from different companies:

Here's a close up of the Patons version:

And here's the Bernat version:

This is basically knitting for non-knitters.

Each company has how to instructions on their websites but if you're a non-knitter they're not that easy to follow.  So, I'm going to share a couple of videos with you.  This first one is from the fellows at The Crochet Crowd .  They're going to show you how to cast on and knit the Pirouette yarn.


And for some crazy reason no one else out there shows you how to cast off, so I did a video to show you how to finish off your scarf:


You can also go here to see a similar video on the Twist and Twirl yarn.

So there you go, just one more step to keeping cozy and stylish all winter long.

DIY, How to Knit, knitted scarf, Twist and Twirl, Pirouette, How to cast off Twist and Twirl How to cast off Pirouette, finishing twist and twirl, How to Twist and Twirl yarn, easy DIY scarf

Don't forget to enter to win the Big Plaid Giveaway , it's a great prize for any one who loves to craft!

Have a great week everyone~


  1. Love that material, I have something like the Bernat one. Such a cute scarf you can make with that, all nice and ruffly. NO I nevah have enough scarves either, love to make them too lol.

    Hugs from Marian

  2. my 11 year old daughter
    is the resident knitter
    in our family

    she tried to teach her mum
    but i was all thumbs
    and got too frustrated to keep at it

    this is adorable!

    i'll have to show her the video
    and see if she can do it.

    thanks for sharing at fridays unfolded!


    p.s. i tried following your pinterest button but the link was broken-just wanted you to know!

  3. Wow. Just wow. That's the coolest looking scarf ever!

  4. I wish I could knit or crochet.
    Would luv for my readers to discover your blog, will you please join our weekly party at
    have a great crafting week!

  5. Adorable. Thank you for linking up to More the Merrier Mondays.

  6. I LOVE this! I would love if you would share this at the Crazy Cute link party happening at Between U & Me right now! I've got a totally awesome giveaway this week, too!
    OOH! AND, I'm your newest follower! ;)

  7. O wow! that looks just amazing. I've made once a ruffly scarf but it wasn't half that pretty :)

  8. I love that yarn! So pretty:)

  9. that stuff is so cool love the scarves I'd love you to add this to my link party over at

  10. Nice. I wish I was a knitter or a crocheter... Very fun!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie this week! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  11. Thanks for doing the cast off video. I watched another one but I just couldn't get the last part. Your's made it really clear.



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