
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Make it Great Monday Feature

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Thanks to everyone who decided to start the week out with some creativity and linked up at yesterday's party.  I don't know about you, but I unfortunately, had quite a few headaches with the linky tool.  Hopefully next week all the kinks will be worked out.

Even with the linky problems it was great to see all of your wonderful projects.  You're all soooooo creative!

The most clicked link was these great Pom Pom Flowers from Rachel over at Lines Across My Face .

Make sure to go visit to check out her great no sew tutorial and then start dreaming about all of the fun ways you can use these cute little flowers!

1 comment:

  1. hi there : ) i tried but alas i had problems with linky! i will try again next week! : ) hugs...


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