
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Harem Pants

I can hear you already?  "Are harem pants back in style????"  I don't know, but I made a pair!

I used this pattern, which I'm pretty sure has been removed from the McCall's latest pattern books.

And here's what I made.

harem pants, ali baba pants

The whole time I was making them I kept careening back and forth between thinking they would turn out so awesome and what the heck am I wasting my time on these for?  But in the end, I actually really love the way they turned out.  They're super trendy, which I am generally not, but I think they're fun...for this year at least.
Harem pants, Ali Baba Pants

Actually, I spent some time in the south of France a few years ago and harem pants were all the rage there back then.  I laughed at them when I first saw them but of course I left with a pair in my backpack on my way home.
harem pants, ali baba pants

I even bought this funny outfit while I was in India.

Harem pants, Ali baba pants

It can be worn low on the hips as pants or up high as a little jumper.  But there's no hiding the fact they they are harem pants. (In India they called them "Ali Baba" pants.  I'm still not sure that's very politically correct but when in Rome...)

I guess I must have a thing for them, considering I now own 3 pair.  What do you think?  Are you ready to throw a pair on????



Don't forget to go here to enter to win a FREE vintage pattern from my new shop on Etsy!


  1. Now that is just how I like to start my day! Bust a move!

  2. love this and these pants I use to wear also.. yours look amazing!!!

  3. You look great in all three actually!

  4. You have such great style, you can pull off just about ANYthing!! Amazing. They look great on you! Nope, I'm not ready to try them. ;-) Would NEVER work for me. Ha! =)

  5. Those turned out great! I live in India and have some of these. I bought them at the grocery store for $4 and they were calling them harem pants.

  6. This is so cute. I love the last one, looks really nice!

    Come see me too at

  7. Those are very cute on you!!! Great job. I am impressed. Visiting from Ann's. Have a great evening. blessings ~ tanna

  8. i think these are awesome!!! great style, and loooooove the outfit from India!!!

  9. Anonymous19 July, 2011

    you are working them pants girl!

  10. I love those pants! I bought some once and they didn't look near as cute on me as they do on you! Love them! Found you from Today's Creative Blog, have a great day!


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