
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Show and Tell: My Artsy Family

I thought I'd let you in on a little secret...I'm not the only artsy/craftsy one in my family.  I come by it all quite honestly.

I've mentioned before that I learned to sew over the years from my mom.  When I was little she made most of my clothes and probably her own too.  Over time though, she has become a quilter extraordinaire.

I think everyone in our family has at least one quilt made by mom.  She gave me this one as a house warming present a few years ago.

 When I lived in Japan she would send me necessities that I couldn't get there, like Kraft Dinner, Miracle Whip, and taped episodes of Friends.  And then I would pay her back in Japanese fabrics.  When I got back to Canada, this cute little quilt was waiting for me, made with many of the fabrics I had sent her.

My dad is also quite artsy.  When I was really little, I remember that we had lots of paintings up on the walls, and they were all his.

He often forgets my birthday, so imagine my surprise this year when he showed up at my door with this.

Sorry, I couldn't get a shot without a reflection in the glass~
It's a beautifully framed print of one of his original paintings.  I'm not sure yet which wall I want to put it on, so for now it sits here in this little vignette.

So there you go, just a couple of my family members who like arts and crafts as much as I do!  How about you?  Are you surrounded by other creative types or do they all think it's a little weird that you stock up on things like paper, glue sticks, and glitter...just in case.  Leave a comment~

1 comment:

  1. Those quilts are spectacular! Incredible work. And the painting is lovely, too!


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