
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Show and Tell: More Beaded Jewellery

Do you remember way way back (last September) when I showed you some of my beaded jewellery projects from the past?  Well, I didn't show you everything.  I was really into jewellery making for a few years and made loads and loads of pieces.

Here's a fun necklace that anyone can make:

Beaded jewellery, beaded necklace, easy beading, pink beaded necklace, DIY beaded necklace

I just strung up several strings of seed beads and added a few chunkier ones to add interest.  I didn't get all caught up in worrying about symmetry (very unlike me actually) and just let it come together on its own.

This bracelet, on the other hand, is very symmetrical and measured out:

I'm still getting used to my new camera so these shots aren't super great but hopefully you can see the interlocking circles.  There are three rows of linked circles in pink that interlock with two rows of the same in white.

I don't think I ever wore the two pieces together (at least I hope not) even though they use many of the same beads.

Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.  Have you ever had a hobby that took up all of your time for awhile that you suddenly forgot about?  I feel like this is what happened with my jewellery making.  I still use many of the skills I learned but I don't make complex pieces like I used to.  Maybe I'll get back into again...someday~


  1. I used to love making paper and envelopes... but now I just can't find the time to take out all the clutter it takes to do this and clean it back up. I know it seems lame but I have an autistic child and I am drained at the end of the week.

  2. Hello!! Beautiful!! Love the bracelet the necklace WOW!! <3 Anne

  3. I love these!! I'm just getting into making some jewelry, but I don't feel very creative with it yet. Sometimes I just need to be brave and try something!! Thanks for the inspiration. =)

  4. Tamara-

    Yet another area of craft you rock at.

    I. Love. That. Necklace.

    My jewelry wardrobe is lacking...I need to get my craft on.

    Thanks for linking to Creative Juice Thursday. Hope to see you back this week!

  5. That necklace is gorgeous. I love the purple! ~Kimberlee
    {$15 Amazon GC Giveaway} 


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