
Friday, July 29, 2011

Paper Bowl

I found this great book awhile ago and I've finally gotten around to trying out one of the crafts inside it:

Those pretty paper bowls on the cover are what caught my attention, and they looked so easy, so I thought I'd throw some of my own together.  I have to tell you though, I think this project looks easier than it really is because I'm not totally happy with the end result.  But take a look below and let me know what you think...

Here's what you need:

Add a few things:  a disposable plastic container to mix glue in,
some newsprint to keep your work surface clean, and
a rubber spatula (trust me)
1) I covered my work surface with some old newspaper so that I wouldn't get glue all over everything.  Then I took my two sheets of heavy duty scrapbooking paper to work with me and sent it through the big paper shredder so that I'd get a pile of evenly cut strips.

If you don't have access to a shredder you can use an electronic cutter or just do it the old fashioned way with scissors.

2) Cover your mixing bowl with plastic wrap, making sure that the entire outside surface is 100% completely covered.  You don't want glue all over your good mixing bowls.

3) Next take your white glue and mix it with water in a disposable container.  The book says that it's very important to follow the recipe of 2 parts glue 1 part water and not to guess.  Of course, I guessed, which may have been my first mistake, but who wants to measure out glue in their good measuring cups?!?!?

I just used some cheapo glue from the Big W and I wonder if this was actually my first mistake.  This cheapy glue was pretty watered down to begin with so I probably could've gone a little lighter on the water.

4) Anyway, onwards and upwards.... Now that your bowl is covered and your glue is mixed you can start creating your paper bowl.  Start by spreading some paste on the bottom of your "bowl mold" and add some shortened strips of paper to create a base.

Just keep adding glue and paper until your bottom is where you want it, adding paste on the top of the paper as well.

5) Start adding longer strips to the sides, overlapping and creating interesting patterns with your strips.

6) As I got going I realized that because the glue was so thin it was dripping right down onto the newsprint and I could just imagine the entire thing getting stuck there.  So I put a vase underneath to get it off the table.

This worked well because it made it easier to rotate.

7)  Just keep adding more and more glue and more and more paper strips.  I kept going back and forth between worrying that the strange watered down glue mixture was either not going to hold anything together or that they whole thing would be so stuck I'd never get my mixing bowl back.

My pessimism won out and I gave some parts a coat of pure unwatered down glue.  And yes, it's possible that this was my next mistake.

In any case, I continued until the whole thing was covered and I was actually getting quite excited by what I was seeing.  Next, you just let it dry.  Mine took less than 24 hours, even with all of the extra glue on it.

8) And now for the hard part...getting your mixing bowl back from the glue gods.  I'm not sure if I wrapped my plastic too tight, if my paper was too thick, or I just used too much glue but I ended up having to use a rubber spatula to pry the papered plastic off of my glass bowl.

It wasn't like it was a McGyver type of conundrum but I was worried that the paper strips would tear and then KABLOOM the whole thing would blow.  Kidding, that's right I did say NOT McGyver, so no, nothing would've happened if the paper had torn except maybe a few expletives that are not meant for little cat ears.

9)  If you're able to pry the whole thing off now you have to get the plastic wrap off of the paper.  This was another worry I had, how would it not stick?!!?  It's glued down to paper!

Can you see it?  I got most of it off but I still need to do some snipping.  I'm not crazy about it~

But, like I said, last night while I my fingers were already covered in glue I figured I'd experiment a bit and tried another smaller bowl using paper doilies.

Paper bowl, paper doily bowl, paper doily craft

At first glance it looks pretty neat.  But here's another view:

In trying to pry it off of the mold it ripped and tore apart.  When I was making it I was so pleased that the thinner paper was going on so well and creating this beautiful lacey effect.  But the thin paper turned on me and became my enemy in the end.  Boo hoo~

I had dreams of making loads of these bowls, maybe using ribbons or strips of fabric or maybe even something organic like leaves or flower petals.  Now I'm not so sure I'll give it another go.  I know, I know, try try again but I have so many other things I want to make that I think I'll actually be pleased with, so a third try on this one might not happen. 

I may give the book another chance yet and try one of the other fun looking projects...we'll see.

For now, I give you my version of a paper bowl, which is probably not half as bad as I think it is right now.  I just have to let go of my vision of millions of beautiful paper bowls all over my house.  (Probably a good thing in the end.)

DIY Paper Bowl, Paper Bowl, Handcrafted Bowl, Mod Podge, Paper Crafts, Easy Paper Project

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Has anyone else out there tried projects from this book?  Made paper bowls?  Any tips or tricks?  I keep wondering if this would work with Mod Podge.  I wonder if the plastic would become a permanent part of the bowl though.  Darn it, so many questions and ideas.... I may have to give this another try in the end~

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Model in Training

My niece is in full training to learn the boho chic asthetic and to rock it like a model.

She loves the camera and loves to act like a total goofball in front of it.  So, I have alot of pics like this of her:

But when I say "Pose like a model" I get shots like this:

She's learning quickly!

I made this cute little summer dress for her from this vintage pattern from the 70's.

It's such an adorable pattern.  I'm pretty sure I'll make it again but maybe not in a patterned fabric.  That way more of the details will show up I think.

Send some peace and love to my little 70's hippie dippie chick!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Butterfly Award

Imagine my surprise last week while I was visiting Kadie over at Seven Alive....she was awarded the Butterfly Award and named Etcetorize as one of her fav blogs to pass the award onto!   That Kadie is so sweet~
So, here are the rules:

1. Link back to the blog who awarded you
2. Share 7 fun and fascinating facts about yourself.
3. Answer the questions below
4. Pass on the award to 7 more bloggers

I shared 7 strange facts about myself way back in December when I was gifted with a similar lovely award, the Stylish Blogger award, I'll try not to repeat myself here.

-It takes me almost 2 hours to mow my lawn.  I spend the entire time plotting ways to dig it up and add patios and flower beds to that I don't have to spend 2 hours cutting the lawn~

-The newest CD in my vehicle is "Girlicious".... and yes, it's mine (I can't help it, I like them)

-I still don't use Facebook.  I also don't twitter, I hate texting, and I don't own an i-anything.  I'm a little out of the technological loop these days.

-I almost moved to Australia 6 years ago but got offered my current job at the last minute.  On really bad days I daydream about how great my life would be right now if I were living in sunshine and heat down under~

-I proudly play the guitar very badly.  I have no intention of getting good at it.

-I'm not a big fan of country music, but I love Dolly Parton.  Well, really, how can you not?

-There has been a hole in my bathroom wall where the medicine cabinet used to be for about a year.  I was going to drywall it over but got a little overwhelmed.  Every weekend I pretend I'm going tackle but never do.

The questions:
Name your favorite color-
It's so corny but I seriously could never pick just one.

Name your favorite song-
Suavemente-Elvis Crespo

Name your favorite dessert-
My Grandma's Haystack cookies
What wizzes you off- 
People who can't follow directions
(yes, I'm referring to you flyer deliverer person!
The "please no flyers"sign does not mean
throw them in my flower bed!!!!)

When you’re upset you-
Watch too much "reality" TV.

Your favorite pet-My two babies... Mr. Whiskers and Katya
Black or white-
?????? both ?????

Your biggest fear-
That information is on a need to know basis only.

best feature-
others tell me it's my smile

Everyday attitude-
Life is an adventure

What is perfection-
the laughter of my niece and nephew

Guilty pleasure-
Chips and Dip

OK, now you know everything you could ever possibly want to know about me.  What you may not know is that these are some seriously fun blogs that you need to check out...

A Scrapbook of Inspiration
French Country Cottage
Pattern Junkie
My Girlish Whims
Spittin Toad
Frabjous Couture

Have fun checking them all out.  And make sure to go check out Kadie's blog while you're at it.  Make sure to check in tomorrow to see the latest sweet vintage dress that I made for my niece.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hot Weather PJ's

Earlier this week it the temperatures around here were soaring.  I loved, loved, loved it.  But, I do have to admit, it was little hard to sleep.  So, I headed to my sewing machine and quickly made up these cute little hot weather pj's so that I could keep cool and get a good night's sleep.

I used a pattern for the bottoms so I'll just show you the super duper simple top.


And a Sewing Machine
1) With your fabric folded selvedges together, cut a rectangle the width of the fabric (45"/115cm) and 13.5" (34cm) wide.  You may need to alter the width depending on your bust size.  The length of the rectangle should fit most people, but if you are lucky enough to have a more curvy figure than I do, just add to the width.

2) Once you've cut your fabric, fold it with right sides together and sew the short edge together.  You're basically making a tube.

3) Next, give your edges either a zigzag or serged finish, fold over a quarter inch (to inside), and press.

4) For top edge, fold down again approximately 2.25 "(6cm), press, and sew a straight line 1.5"(4cm) from edge.  You can sew another line of stitching right next to it 1/4" towards the inside if you want, to create a double stitched line.

Now you're going to create a casing for elastic, so leave enough space for your elastic (I used 1/4" wide elastic but if you're bustier you may want to use something wider), and then sew two more lines of stitching.  Remember to leave an opening so that you can insert your elastic.

Once the elastic is in, stitch the ends together, and sew up your stitching lines.

5) For your bottom hem you don't need the little ruffle so you can just turn under 1/4" and press, and then turn in another 5/8".  Sew a double line of stitching 1/2" from the edge, making sure to leave enough room for your elastic.  Again, don't forget to leave an opening to insert the elastic.  Then just secure it, and sew your lines closed.

You should end up with something that looks this the picture above.

I used a pattern to make some boxers to go with it but it was a unisex pattern so I had to do quite a few alterations.

I shortened them, lowered the waistline, lost the fly opening, and added some pretty lace along the bottom edge.

And here's the whole outfit together:

pjs, pajamas, DIY Sewing, easy pyjamas, boxer shorts

I think it's kind of cute.  The most important thing is that I'll be covered up but I won't be sleepless on those hot summer nights. 

I'll be linking up to the parties on the linky party tab, make sure to check them out.  There's always something out there that will blow your creative mind.

Don't forget, if you're a follower, you can add your blog button (not a project, just your main blog) to the "Follow my Friends" page up top.  Every month I feature at least one of you lovely Etcetorizers.

Have a great week everyone~

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Girls Sundress

Here's one of my all time favourite dresses I've made for my niece.

This pattern is so great.  I think it's got great style for little ones, with lots of variations and extra details you can add, but it's still very easy to make.

It even includes patterns for matching baby doll dresses.

This dress is View B.  I did make View A for her as well but we couldn't find the dress when I was visiting.  It was quite awhile ago so she might have grown out of it.  Oh well, time to make another one~

These dresses don't need that much fabric.  The two that I've made were from fabric leftover from dresses I had made for myself.

I can't find the pattern in the Simplicity online catalogue so it may have been discontinued, but if you ever come across it in the second hand bins definitely pick it up.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We have a winner....

YAY!  The winner of the FREE Vintage Pattern from my new Etsy Shop is:

True Random Number Generator
4 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Comment #4!!!!

Hannah @HannahHandmade said... I Am a follower, and I really like this pattern: 1972 Vintage Simplicity Dress Sewing Pattern-Size 10

Congratulations Hannah!  Check out all of the patterns at Etcetorize Supplies on Etsy and let me know which one you like the best and where to send it! (You can use the email link on my profile for privacy)

Thanks to everyone else who entered.  I'm always adding more patterns to the shop so make sure to go check it out.

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Follow My Friends: Cedar Hill Ranch

Today I'd like to introduce you to my new bloggy friend Anita over at Cedar Hill Ranch.

Cedar Hill Ranch

Anita lives on a beautiful ranch;

in a beautiful house, with a beautiful porch;

even her neighbours are beautiful!

Of course, it helps that she's an amazing photographer so her whole blog is full of great shots of projects, the ranch, her family, and her home.

Guest Room Makeover

Pretty Feedsack Pillows

Anita says "Cedar Hill Ranch is about creating a relaxed lifestyle and home that is also graceful and beautiful, a place that embraces family and friends in a comfortable way while making them feel special and celebrated."

I love the post she did on 10 Tips for Auction Newbies .  My friend and I have been talking about going to an auction but have been a little intimidated so we haven't been yet, but with these tips maybe we'll brave the unknown.

Pine chest from an auction

She's also just started up a Blog directory similar to my "Follow My Friends" tab.

Just become a follower, add your family friendly blog button, and maybe she'll choose you to feature on her blog!  How fun is that?

Head over to Cedar Hill Ranch and say hi, and don't forget to come back here and leave a comment and tell the rest of us what you've found.

Have a great week everyone~